Just enjoying the days. Really.
She's hard at work..I wanted to take a picture for her to remember but didn't want to disturb her. |
Mary Claire had her 12-year-old well visit (and three shots!) today. Clay had his monthly dermatologist visit too (we're treating a couple warts that really love him so much, they want to hang around). Other than than, it's just been restful and lovely.
(Through the door's window.) She is working on punching out paper to make a little banner/garland. She later sewed them all together! |
It rained most of the day, I grilled some chicken and corn for dinner, and the bigs all went to the movies. They didn't even get to see the sun come out and set.
Clay pulls Carter all around, and he loves it! |
Carter wanted to get dressed (out of his jammies..imagine that) about 7:30pm, so we went out for a while.
I like Meg Meeker a lot too! She's so encouraging. And right. |
I think I just had a perception change. Has that ever happened to you? I just loved my family, and loved my home, and loved all the chaos..and let it unfold. The splashing water when the baby tried the sprayer.
We were peeling potatoes for dinner, and he wanted to get in on the action! Washing, peeling, eating. Veggies are good for the soul. : ) And so is living in pj's all day. |
And then I took Carter to Wal-Mart and just let him touch everything he wanted. He opened the "fridge" doors for me to get milk and juice. He likes to touch hanging belts and he calls them the :Car Wash:. He wanted to open the new rolling coolers for sale up front. Pick out a banana. He picked a can of soup. And then helped me check out. He's a sweetie.
Ethan asked his daddy to read to him, Ches said no. It was already 10:30pm. Then he said please. It melts this momma heart. I followed him up, and he was not nice to me. He wanted his daddy. Someone messed up his Legos. He didn't want to wear jammies. He didn't want to read the book I picked. (Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, hahaha!!) But then we read, and then added some Wimpy Kid he'd wanted, and I tucked him in. I'm just glad he still lets me read to him. Although..he did ask me to leave. (His twin just isn't wide enough for momma to take a quick 11pm snooze. Boo. It's sooo hard to get back up.)
Faith isn't faith if you can see up the road. It's just plain ol' blind trust. |
Like..I have faith that my roast beef in the crock pot will turn out edible. (but let's just say sometimes it's not quite as pull-apart as I'd like...but then it's perfect for beef stew, ha!) Have some faith, and pass it around. Hope your day was enjoyable. Frozen warts, shots, wet counters and all! It's amazing what an attitude change can do (for me!).
Lord, let me find beauty in the teeny Lego cars and planes. In the carpet. At night.
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