I don't like to use OMGosh, so I won't ...but what a couple days we've had!
On Friday, we were going in all directions. I had an appointment at the new Premier Dermatology and spa (ahh-mazing decor..very beachy with silver!) for some treatment (we already had the talk, so I won't go there. Second verse, same as the first!), and I got a new piece of furniture delivered! Just beautiful. I'll try to take a picture. ; ) It's the one I showed you a picture of back in early June I think? Love it. Very big though..I totally visualized inaccurately! And now? I need other new furniture..it's a cascading effect. : )
This weekend in Missouri and Arkansas it's Tax-Free Weekend on school supplies, clothes, and computers. I was really going to skip out, but yesterday around noon...I decided I really should take advantage. ; ) A girl can't miss a sale. We loaded up in the van, and went to Branson! It's only a couple hours away, and it gave the stores a chance to thin out (along with the sizes..but that's another story). Ches and the boys went to the movies, and Mary Claire and I went to shop! We went so quickly through the stores. (and I called my sweet friend, Dina, and we got to see her too!) We got some new clothes for the kids, some shoes, and me a jacket (super cute with a neck ruffle..you'd have to see it!)
I've been so worn out-can't imagine why-and now I've lost my voice. I was supposed to teach Children's Liturgy in church, but I had to tell the priest I couldn't talk. (and I couldn't talk to tell him. Irony.) I was really hoping to trade days with someone, but no one emailed me back! : ( I guess three hours before is not enough. I wish I'd known yesterday that my voice was about to vanish. The hardest? Not being able to freak out when Ethan was using his bean-y napkin to wipe his face, to be able to talk at lunch, or explain things. Apparently I talk a l-o-t...I'm really missing it!
And the next worst thing? I went to the store to buy some Advil Cold and Sinus (since it clears up drainage after you forgot your Zyrtec for a few days..), and Get This. You can't buy it without a prescription now! That Sux. I hate that we have all these meth makers that have ruined everyday life for the rest of us. Now it requires a trip to your doctor, an extra copay, and my valuable time. Pfffftth.
Glad I can type about it since I can't rail on about it aloud!! Haha!
1 week ago
Next to vomit, loosing my voice is the worst kind of 'sick' to me!
It's amazing how much we NEED it, especially as a mom!!
Love the new 'school' look and I totally need to get to the store to get school supplies!!
We have discovered Advil Congestion Relief. Wonderful stuff!! :) It really helps when your congested and blowing your nose isn't helping. It's the only thing that helps Joey! :)
Seriously...it is NO WONDER you are sick. I cannot keep up with your awesomeness...no way and no how girl. You are amazing in every way, shape, and form. Get well soon...AND...love your new design over here.
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