Sunday, August 7, 2011

Prescription for Quiet

I don't like to use OMGosh, so I won't ...but what a couple days we've had!

On Friday, we were going in all directions.  I had an appointment at the new Premier Dermatology and spa (ahh-mazing decor..very beachy with silver!) for some treatment (we already had the talk, so I won't go there.  Second verse, same as the first!), and I got a new piece of furniture delivered!  Just beautiful.  I'll try to take a picture. ; )  It's the one I showed you a picture of back in early June I think?  Love it.  Very big though..I totally visualized inaccurately!  And now?  I need other new's a cascading effect. : )

This weekend in Missouri and Arkansas it's Tax-Free Weekend on school supplies, clothes, and computers.  I was really going to skip out, but yesterday around noon...I decided I really should take advantage. ; )  A girl can't miss a sale.  We loaded up in the van, and went to Branson!  It's only a couple hours away, and it gave the stores a chance to thin out (along with the sizes..but that's another story).  Ches and the boys went to the movies, and Mary Claire and I went to shop!  We went so quickly through the stores.  (and I called my sweet friend, Dina, and we got to see her too!)  We got some new clothes for the kids, some shoes, and me a jacket (super cute with a neck'd have to see it!)

I've been so worn out-can't imagine why-and now I've lost my voice.  I was supposed to teach Children's Liturgy in church, but I had to tell the priest I couldn't talk. (and I couldn't talk to tell him.  Irony.)  I was really hoping to trade days with someone, but no one emailed me back! : (  I guess three hours before is not enough.  I wish I'd known yesterday that my voice was about to vanish.  The hardest?  Not being able to freak out when Ethan was using his bean-y napkin to wipe his face, to be able to talk at lunch, or explain things.  Apparently I talk a l-o-t...I'm really missing it!

And the next worst thing?  I went to the store to buy some Advil Cold and Sinus (since it clears up drainage after you forgot your Zyrtec for a few days..), and Get This.  You can't buy it without a prescription now!  That Sux.  I hate that we have all these meth makers that have ruined everyday life for the rest of us.  Now it requires a trip to your doctor, an extra copay, and my valuable time.  Pfffftth.

Glad I can type about it since I can't rail on about it aloud!!  Haha!


Anonymous said...

Next to vomit, loosing my voice is the worst kind of 'sick' to me!
It's amazing how much we NEED it, especially as a mom!!
Love the new 'school' look and I totally need to get to the store to get school supplies!!

Jen Snow said...

We have discovered Advil Congestion Relief. Wonderful stuff!! :) It really helps when your congested and blowing your nose isn't helping. It's the only thing that helps Joey! :)

Unknown said... is NO WONDER you are sick. I cannot keep up with your way and no how girl. You are amazing in every way, shape, and form. Get well your new design over here.