Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dancing with Diabetes

Mary Claire's blood sugar was CrAzY today!  I think she was excited about the Walk, her friends coming to town, getting her shirts, getting walkers (we have the *second largest team*!), just excitement in general.  Adrenaline (a hormone like insulin) affects her blood sugar!  She is running on excitement, and her blood sugar is reflecting that.  She was 75 when she got up this morning, only had her pump off for 15 minutes while I gave her a bath (remember I forgot to do it last night?), then had breakfast and a bolus.  At 9:40, she was 362!  See? Crazy!  I had her wash her hands and recheck.  I was just sure it was wrong, and she'd touched something sticky or sugary-powered.  Nope.  Just high.  She stayed high through the day, but dropped just low enough by lunch so that she could eat (under 240)-then rebounded back up to 240 by 1:40pm.  When I checked her before snack this evening (after dance), she was a perfect 101. : ) Yay!  I think exercise is the best insulin!

Here is her in her first class, ballet:
(She's the second one at the center barre.)

Here's another one-
still second at the barre: 

She's learning! : )  I didn't get any good ones at Jazz-they did tons of stretching, some jumps (which I can't catch without a flash-it reflects off the glass!), then water break, then some free-style dancing in the dark (it helps them be confident since no one can really see them!)  So.  Sweet.

I took the boys with me today, since Ches had a late meeting.  He came to pick them up, but they'd already settled down with Nora (Emily's sister), since she was sharing her iPad and a great Donald Duck movie (I think it was Chip-n-Dale!)-she's a doll!

Precious, precious friends.  We've been truly blessed with the greatest friends around us.  My kids have all found some sweet, pure kids that they get along with great-I am so, so very thankful that God has surrounded us with those He loves.  I know now that it's not just our prayers, but everyone else's that have supported us-we are blessed beyond measure.

Thank you, Lord, for your wings of shelter that protect us from the storms in life.  We praise you, for we are wonderfully and fearfully made in Your image-and You've given us all we need to weather our days.  Please bless our friends and family and answer their prayers.  Send them our love, and help them feel Your arms around them today.  In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.


The Ware's said...

So glad we have these times together - can't wait for the walk tomorrow! :o)

Holly said...

Oh my gosh, am I thankful! : ) We had so much fun, thank you for coming!!!