Ok, we have got to Go There, because it's so funny, and it's part of my life! Mom makes me laugh!! Maybe whoever is with the kids is funnier, I don't know. She can't get the van door closed when she drops them off in the morning, so she just drives home with it open (she'll want me to insert here that it's only a few inches!)! Ethan yells about it being cold ("but he's got his blanket!"), but she just tells him to be quiet, they'll be home in a minute! I think today we finally figured out what is going on: she's putting the van in Drive, and that freezes the door! Anyway, she says tomorrow they'll have *perfected* it: she'll drive away with it CLOSED! But then I'll be home for Friday's drive to school.
Today they are driving to see my Aunt Pansy who'll be in Fayetteville until 4pm, so my mom is taking Ethan to see her. We drove down to see her and my uncle Denver last summer (see here), but we didn't take Ethan, so they've never met him! When family doesn't live close (or when they do, but you are always busy), it's hard to visit often. It's an opportunity! I wish I was in town to go see her too, but I'm in Florida, land-of-a-billion-license-tags! Seriously, there are about 200 different ones! I've seen plain Florida with the county, plain with In God We Trust, Save the Wild Dolphins (my favorite!), the Tampa Bay Buccanneers, Protect Our Reefs, Save the Manatee, State Wildflower (not so pretty), Salutes Firefighters, Share the Road (with bikes-Ches would love to have that one at home!), Florida State University, ok-and some you just can't read the bottom unless you are at a stoplight! We are amazed at the variety! : ) We've also started counting Canadian tags-we're up to five! Can you believe people would drive that far? Maybe there's a convention. Of Canadians. heehee
Well...bad news. We discovered (after 5 last night) that the other game tickets we have (for the Detroit Tigers vs. the Phillies)-were for Yesterday's Game! So sad. We even drove by the field to make sure we knew where it was. The crowd was roaring, and we'd heard them cheering for someone who hit a home run (rare in the pros!)! And we had tickets all along. $50 tickets. Boo.
So today, they play the Yankees, which we wanted tickets to all along, but they were sold out. We plan to go to the game, and see if we can buy some tickets off the scalpers. Maybe. Maybe they won't charge us an arm and a leg. Maybe we'll see today's game. It just sucks that we missed it. Ches has been telling me for weeks that we have tickets to Monday and Wednesday's games, so it never occurred to me to look at out tickets! Ha. That's the second time he's messed up this week, so maybe he's losing it? Twins are pretty overwhelming.
Yes, I have more questions now! Wanna try to answer them? Here goes:
*How many deliveries do I get charged for? (C-section, but he'll pull out two). Only one
epidural, one hospital room for me, but more care/ultrasounds...
*Do I get two pediatrician/hospital bills after they are born?
*If I pay for cord blood saving (for lack of a better word), and I know they charge per child,
who's should I save if I only save one?
*Can I have them genetically matched to Mary Claire before I save one's cord blood?
*Should I save both?
*I read that there were "double boppies" for nursing twins, but I have yet to find them. Do
they really exist? Ps-I don't want those hard looking U-shaped things.
*How many diapers should I be buying, and what sizes exactly? Ones, Twos are a given, but
what about the teensy preemie/newborn ones?
Ok, obsessing 101 is over, and shall be continued tomorrow. I do have an appointment on Monday to pay (prepay/authorize/etc) or discuss my bill. I don't have better wording. I also have a nurse appointment (like the last one) where she talks about my jewelry and dress, and says I've done this all before, and there are no surprises. Uh-um. When you are pregnant again, it's ALWAYS new. It's never the same as last time, and there is not an un-nervous mom. I should tell her that. I hate to get sassy, as I might need her at 35+ weeks to be sympathetic to me. I'll just discuss jewelry and the weather during my one hour appointment, since she won't talk babies.
1 week ago
You are much funnier than me. Besides, driving home in a van with the door open five inches provides fresh air to stimulate ones senses.
And today, Clay sat in the fourth seat and admirably closed the door properly (with the van in PARK). But you could see the school moms all sassy for me to shift into DRIVE and move out of the way.
What an experience~~~
So sad Ethan didn't get to meet Aunt Pansy, but he sure made best friends with Aunt Fern and Uncle Bob with his firm handshake and 'Nice to meet you'. (And you didn't think they could be brainwashed:) lol
Glad you are home safe..Love you XXX
Whoa...I just wrote two paragraphs and your blog ate it~~ Wah.
I shall return when I have more time~~
Glad you are home safe~~and sound~~
Love and hugs~~xoxox
Well, I can see your comments-both of them! : )
Yep, home safe, and need to catch up! heehee
Hugs! : )
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