I'm sick of being sick. I feel awful. It is worst in the afternoons, so I better start eating more in the morning. I'm missing dinner, Ches fed the kids-leftover pizza. I can't even stand to smell it, much less see it. I've taken a Protonix to work on acid reflux if that's playing a part in my nausea. I'm enjoying a pile of pretzels for dinner. It's the only thing that doesn't make me want to barf. (Sorry.) I really enjoy the part where I put them in my mouth and just enjoy the salt. : )
I'm taking this to mean that it's a healthy pregnancy, which is my utmost goal. Think Positive, think positive.
**I'm back-what an evening!**
Ches had a coach's meeting, I gave the kids baths (after they disposed of dinner..), then Ethan ran into the bedpost in Clay's room, screamed/cried, bruised the bridge of his nose and his nose! We put ice on it, and because his face/eyes were covered, he fell asleep, I texted Ches, he came home, we called the doctor, and there were no more appointments! By the time the nurse called back, he was awake, fine (but still swollen), and they told us to come in tomorrow if it's not better. We have to wake him up tonight to make sure he's okay. I don't swear, but if I did, I swear it couldn't get any crazier. At the same time he was sleeping on me, I was getting Mary Claire's reservoir ready to change her pump site-hard. Mary Claire really wanted her site changed so she could have a surprise (her new book order books came in yesterday, and I hold them ransom for prizes!)!
Ok, all settled down now, and I'm exhausted. Oh, and confessions make me sleep better: I was late to pick the kids up at school-I slept through my phone alarm when I laid down to rest! Crazy. Mary Claire had gymnastics at 3:30, so we had to hurry, and then I took them to Sonic for ice cream-Guilt Snack. I couldn't apologize enough, but no one seemed alarmed. I even called the school, and they said the kids don't come to the office till 3:30-I guess lots of parents come late? Even crazier.
1 week ago
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