I didn't find time to write yesterday, due to the ChAoS! I had to spend over an hour cleaning out my dryer-Someone left crayons in their coat, and the melty wax COVERED all the coats and clothes in there. They'd played outside in the very wet snow, and I'd just gotten the laundry started! I began with the dripping coats-yes, they had a snowball fight, AND it was sleeting/snowing while they played outside! I got them all washed, no problem, loaded them in the dryer, and set them on "Bulky Load" to run it extra long to get all the thick, fluffy coats dry so they could wear them out to dinner later. Umm, mistake. I'll have to show you pictures of the Jackson Pollock-style coats. Yes, really. Luckily the outsides of the coats are navy and brown, so only the insides (pink and yellow) are grossly covered in waxy crayon coloring. The worst was a pair of Ethan's Gymboree orange socks that he LOVES, and they were so gross, I threw them away. There was also a pair of wind pants that he really likes, but I'm envisioning them in the trash also...
They had a great time outside, and I made Ethan some dump-a-lings, so everyone got nice and full, and took naps. We went out to dinner, and so many places were closed! We found PF Chang's open, so we went there, and the kids ate really well. Even Ethan! I never know how it'll go. Clay ate a ton (loved the lettuce wraps!), and Mary Claire ordered fried rice-not surprised! We all ordered a tiny dessert, but Ethan didn't like the apple pie one he ordered, so before anyone got a chance, Clay ate it too! Ahh, brothers.
Ok, back to me...I cleaned the dryer out with Goo Gone, then with some spray cleaner-simple clean, or something? Anyway, then I was really worried to put in light clothes, since the dryer drum has this bluish-greenish-purplish tint to it. As long as I kept rubbing, color kept coming off, and I've got a life! So, I dried some blue and green towels and washcloths, and now I'm stuck. I have a light load already washed in the washer, just Waiting. I can't put it in yet, until the color is sufficiently off, and I can't wash more since there are wet things in the washer. Ugh. I'll have to move the wet (hopefully-not-smelling-yet) stuff to a basket, then run some dark stuff. -of which I have plenty of since we cleaned rooms today, took down dirty clothes, and I haven't done laundry since Friday. Yay, Tuesday. I guess I'll rewash the wettish stuff. Always fun.
On a more positive note, we are gaining a Really Clean Attic! We've eliminated maybe half the stuff. Half to Salvation Army (Ches' van is already full), half to give away (mostly teacher stuff), and half to still go through. Yes, I'm aware that's three halves, but you should see how much stuff it is! I have narrowed down girl baby clothes, baby toys, I've ditched bottles, stuffed animals, big kid toys, decorating stuff, blankets, pictures and frames, tents, etc. Very Cleansing! Ches even moved his desk into the bedroom today, just while I was on the phone. I haven't cleaned/decorated/set it up yet, but we'll get there. He's so much faster than I am, and I'm still going through tubs!
I have to say I'm excited, but nervous to see the office empty. It means I need to work on decorating it (not hard!), just very real. I still have the dark wood/white wood dilemma. I want to use all of our baby furniture that we bought for this very reason, but two throws me a curve ball. I haven't found a close match for our baby crib, and now they make them all short-without a side that drops! And I do like some matching in a baby room. I think I'd rather have two colors than a height that doesn't match up. At least maybe it'll look like I chose it on purpose?
FYI-I get charged for one delivery, but have two hospital bills for the babies. I'm all knowledgeable since I went to the doctor today. I also learned that a multiple ultrasound (yep, that's where they make their money!) is $695! A regular abdominal is just $270. Ha. Maybe I'll get to look at them twice as long? I go next week for an ultrasound, so I hope it's a better look-with some answers!
ps-since when do you get a cotton ball with masking tape instead of a band-aid after having blood drawn? It really hurts to pull masking tape off 12 hours later!
1 week ago
Did you give the children's clothes to Salvation Army? Craigslist always has people wanting clothing for their children (free:).
I would have purchase a new dryer. Just the frustration level alone would have messed me up for a few days. But I bet you check pockets twice from now on. lol
Thanks for the lamps, etc. But what was the two bucks for? If it is the two dollars I gave Clay, it was his. If he didn't spend it, then he 'saved' it.
Anyway, we are off to Oklahoma today for an exciting day, be back later.
L & H
P.s. Call me later;)
I gave jammies from all three and a few outfits of clothes to Salvation Army. I still have tons more in storage, which we are trying to get-but it keeps raining! We'll try again tomorrow to get the stuff out. I really want to close out the storage unit-it seems so wasteful! : )
Ok, the dryer stuff did suck. Seriously. It's clean now, and I ran through a couple dark loads first, and then the lights. They came out color-free, so I think it's all better! What a week.
Ok, you can give him back the $2-I knew you gave it to him, and he didn't get to use it, so I was returning it!
He has it, she has two and I have a few as well:) Dad won't take him to OK because he is worried about his safety. Therefore he is home with me. Any clothing you don't want, I will wash and give away.
The kids are soooooooooooo darling...
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