Stupid dishwasher is still broken. I'm still washing by hand. I even bought a dish drainer-scary, since it means I'm in the Acceptance Phase. I haven't had time to call a repairman. I only remember when I'm washing at 7:40 in the morning, or 6:30 at night. Ugh. I even went to the store to buy disposable "dishes", and I forgot to actually BuY them (have to remember the List, or it's not Effective). I got sidetracked looking for a "car" toothbrush (which they no longer sell at Wal-Mart or Target!). Ethan's been brushing his teeth with one of Clay's Hot Wheels toothbrushes, and he wants his own, only now I can't find them anywhere! It's like the zhu zhu pet of our house! Frustrating. And I like to encourage tooth brushing.
I went back for my hcg testing today, and I took Ethan, (wrongly) thinking it'd only take 10 minutes tops like the past few times. Wrong. I waited for 30 minutes before I went to ask what was going on. The lab is always so fast! Anyway, he was pretty good (since he had that toothbrush hanging over his head), and we made it. He wouldn't sit in a separate chair from me while I got blood drawn, so he sat in my lap in my chair with the "faint bar/pad". We both fit, so it was okay. I told him he could look away, and he asked me if I was getting a boo-boo, and I said yes. He watched! Reminds me of Sissy watching her own blood get drawn last year! Ick! Kids are too brave. Anyway, they never called me back, so I don't know how it went. I'll call in the morning to get an update. It's hard to expect some information and not get it.
Clay tried the teensy, tiny medicine today, but I don't know if it did anything. He said he didn't notice anything, but he was moody after school, got mad at Sissy at dinner (post meds), cried about his spelling test (Irregular Plurals including: alumni, parentheses, vertebrae, diagnoses, phenomena, antennae-I mean, why?) and wanted to stay home tomorrow to miss his spelling, math/multiplication, writing, handwriting, etc. tests. I'd rather him study and have confidence than have fear, but he feels differently, and cried. It may be the meds, but I still feel sorry for him. He also picked at his nose and eyes (and the nervous ticking/picking can get worse on meds). He said it felt like something was in his nose, and he thought he had a black dot (pimple coming up, he said) inside his bottom left eyelid! I'll see how the next couple of days go. It'll have to be worth it, or we'll have to try something else. Being a parent has to be the hardest job. Your job matters now, and in twenty years. Everything you do matters. It goes home with you at night, and you only get out of it what you put in, so it requires all of you.
(I just found one of the car toothbrushes!)
1 week ago
Sounds like an allergy to the pill. They use different compounds to make the pill and one never knows completely about the pill contents. At age 9, taking two medications, maybe they don't like each other?
Sort of sounds like it was not a good reaction to the medication. Especially since spelling is one of his best subjects and he generally spells his words with great confidence.
I know you will work it out for his good:)
possibly. He has no allergies, and the Zyrtec and the meds have no interactions. He may have been having a rough day, or maybe he isn't going to work on those meds. Tough. He was better with the words this morning, so we'll see again this afternoon. I can't wait to see him on them myself tomorrow. They are worn off by the time he gets home, so I can't judge for myself!!! : )
It was so sweet on the phone for Ethan to throw kisses and want me to come visit! He is darling~ Of course I think all three babies are darling~~ Hope you got all your cleaning and organizing done! You are a hard-working Mother! I remember those days with fondness~
There are others who think I should not only remember those days with fondness, but apply them to my daily life as well:) lol
Thank you Holly for the fig newtons and crackers~ You are such a sweetheart~
You are welcome! : ) He's sweet, and wants to visit!
Yes, we got Clay's room totally cleaned (even the baseboards and crumby bits!) and moved his furniture-it was really Ches and Clay moving it all, so Clay really felt like a big boy! : )
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