Mary Claire is home from school. Her ear hurts. : ( She went upstairs to take a nap, and I hope she feels better soon! I don't know if she'll feel like going to gymnastics today. I made a roast beef in the crock pot, since I'm usually not home till 5:40 with her, and we are usually starving by then!
I had Mother's Day Out today, and did really well! I was in and out of the grocery store in almost 30 minutes! (my record?) Then, home to brown some beef, cut up carrots and onion for the crock pot, put away groceries, and back out the door. I had this great coupon for Banana Republic (30% off, only good today!), but when I got there, I realized it was only good from 5-9pm. Who on Earth gets to shop between those hours? Talk about limited. I picked out some stuff that can "grow" with me, and they did a PreSell (took my card info, and will ring it up after 5pm). I liked one sweater, but they didn't have the color in the right size, so they found it in Fayetteville, which means now I have to go back to both stores! Maybe since we MiGhT miss gymnastics, I could go there??
Ethan did fine at MDO. He's been screaming a lot lately for me and Ches. I think it's a small attachment thing/phase. I kinda got his mind onto other things (delivering girl scout cookies to the teachers!) so his attention was diverted. It worked, and I picked him up a little early at the end. Maybe if he sees I'm the first to be there, he'll be less nervous? There is no perfect answer, but I need the time alone, and he needs time away from me.
Ps-punctuation matters, don't you think??
Please pray for all ladies you know that are pregnant. It is not an easy time. There are all kinds of things to worry about, and anything can happen. Every day is an accomplishment. I can understand that it's hard to just enjoy it. I have friends that need your prayers, so if you have extra time..offer up some prayer! : ) Thank you~
1 week ago
What a crock? Pot. lol That made me laugh. What time is dinner? (just teasing:)
Ethan is too cute in his 'gear'.
Dora emailed and got your blog address, therefore you have another reader:)
I would ask everyone keeping up with Holly's blog to leave a comment now and then to encourage her and let her know you care. She has so many hits on her blog, yet no one leaves a message.
Prayers for your friend.
THanks, Mom, you are sweet. You shoulda come over! : ) The kids rushed through dinner, we had a special occasion! They both were Terrific Kids for the semester, and were so excited! We made a TWO layer cake! Big for us. Especially with all that chocolate frosting. I'll post pix when I get a chance. Maybe tomorrow night? It's been a long day again. But the cake was cute, and good, and we start it all again tomorrow! : ) THanks, prayers are amazing. Love you!
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy for my two (three?) Terrific Kids for the semester at school~ Give them a hug and a kiss from me! Awaiting photo opt.
Hey! Yes, yay them!! We are in car rider line, getting ready to take them to the ENT doctor! I'll post pix later! : )
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