We got the garage door fixed-sounds so smooth! : ) And the dishwasher is washing, life is better. The dryer started acting up again, but somehow I made it through 5 loads today-I just bribed it with a clean filter and a promise of no more candy wrappers, tissues, or Valentines.
We gave the kids gift cards for Valentine's day (on Saturday), and spent the day with them letting them shop till they dropped! They had big plans and had trouble keeping to their gift card amounts. Clay wanted Mario Kart for his DSi, Mary Claire wanted an American Girl doll (hahahaha!), and Ethan wanted it all. He picked a Thomas video, and Cars sticker/coloring book, then realized he couldn't buy it all. He ended up with a car race thing-I'll just have to post a picture, as all car race thingies are similar. Clay got the game, and we paid the extra since Mary Claire went over with her faux American Girl doll (that she's very happy with and is teaching and feeding and dressing and sleeping with, so cute). She really wanted a Zhu Zhu pet, but Target only had the ramps and tubes, and no pets! How fun is that?
Sunday was a nice day since we had kid gifts taken care of-they all had little things to play with! Mary Claire had a party at PRE, and we took cookies and pretzels in for the kids. Ethan had been guarding those cookies all week! He was intent on getting a leftover one as soon as her party was over. We took them to Jose's for lunch, and then they had cookies. Mary Claire's blood sugar was proof of her great day. She hit 413 before dinner! So bad. It's hard to have a good holiday-it almost always involves food.
Mom came to watch the kids Sunday night so Ches and I could go out alone. It was shivery-cold, but so nice to be out. Ethan cried and cried and made us feel guilty when we were leaving. He went into the garage, pulled over a case of water bottles, pushed the garage door button, and opened the garage door! He told us today he was coming to get us, Silly Boy. We tried to explain that we were long gone. Heehee, oh, to be three. He did fine, I think he was just really tired. We are still in the nap-no nap debate. It seems that one hour is just enough to get him through the day, but it involves about a half hour of crying when he wakes up (since we have to wake him up with noise, lights, open the blinds, etc.). If we let him sleep longer, he's up till after 10pm wanting to party. It's a hard time.
1 week ago
Ethan is absolutely delightful and he is like every other three year old, he wants life to be the way he wants it to be. A clever little fellow indeed!
Very nice lunch today~~
Yes, good lunch! He's hilarious. Today he had camel-ope to eat! heehee
That must be cantelope? lol
yes!! : )
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