Well, still hanging in there! We went out last night, had tons to talk about (Ha!), and bought two new books on twins. I don't just need info on now, and what they look like (for that I can double the pix I see on their development each week), I need to know what to do when they come home! Seriously. I read about schedules (and wipe off boards and notebooks), and dark rooms, and feeding two at once (don't know that I can handle that!), and keeping all the other kids happy and attended. Ches asked me if I was going to read the whole book last night (when I was about half way through one of them!). I think I am just excited and can't sleep anyway!
We talked about where to put them (pretty important..), and I think we are going to use the office. We'll move our desks into the back of our room (really too big for just us, and wasted space back there!), but it may mean a new desk for Ches. He wants to be in the middle, so he can look out the windows when he works, and I don't mind keeping my big desk with hutch, so I can keep all my storage-and stamp sets! : ) We'll use the baby furniture that they've all used, but then Ethan will need a new dresser/chest, as he has all that furniture in his room (except the baby crib, thank goodness!). We'll need another baby bed, but it's not an immediate need (I need a dark wood, sleigh-style, you know, if you see one, need to get rid of one!). They don't have to be separated till almost 4 months, so it'll be okay. I really don't want to buy a new crib, since this will be our last baby (do you say birth? pregnancy? babies?).
Ches is all geared up ready to clean out the attic, the garage, etc. We still have a storage unit, and I hate to keep it, but it may come in handy! We still have two double strollers from when Clay and Mary Claire were little together. We have the Baby Jogger (big wheels, so not mall-friendly, but lose-weight friendly!), and we have a lighter, double umbrella-like stroller (with storage underneath, but not huge). We did the car seat dilemma today at lunch..we still have Ethan's, but then it won't match if we get a new one. : ( I like matchy. So, either I'll find a size that is close, and order covers, or I'll get two new ones (highly wasteful). I'll regift, so don't worry. I won't let all that plastic be in vain!
Ok, rest of my life...there are other things going on, believe it or not! We had a birthday party at 10 this morning at Cake Party-so fun! I took pix, I'll try to get some uploaded soon. They made their own cupcake or cookie, then decorated little cakes! They enjoyed it, and after they'd designed something beautiful, they ended up piling miles of squiggly frosting on top to make it the Ultimate Sugar High! We got her sweet little friend (she really is little and adorable!) a cupcake/cookie frosting set/kit at William Sonoma, and then (I know I should really quit..) we ran to Hobby Lobby this morning, got an apron, and ran home and monogrammed it-so cute! I don't even know if I took a picture-I'll look! We decided to go ahead and use the William-Sonoma bag, since it was a cupcake party! I used pink toile tissue paper, and tied on a wooden spoon with pink gingham ribbon, and used a recipe card (printed in pink ink!) as a gift tag. So cute! I know I got a pix of the outside, since we actually made it to the party-early! If you can believe it! : )
Forgot to mention that Ches took Clay and Ethan to a train show in Rogers-very cool! and got Clay an N-gauge train set (maybe wrong gauge?), then we all met at Chick-Fil-A in Rogers to have lunch. Have you tried their Chargrilled Chicken and Fruit salad?? It is ssoooo good-really! : ) Try one! I can't find a picture, or I'd post it. It was so pretty to look at!
Ok, gotta hurry to the next thing..we are headed to a Blue and Gold banquet for Clay-it's a pizza/cake event for the whole family!
1 week ago
What a busy and fun day for everyone. Glad everyone had smiles and good food and parties and plans. I know you are an organizer and you will make lists and everything will be fine!
This is so exciting! Prayers each day for healthy momma and babies and kiddies and daddy.
Thanks, mom! We need tons of prayer! I read with the kids last night-for a couple hours. They needed some time, each alone. This is huge, and it affects them too! Mary Claire took one of my twin books to read, she's curious. . .
Today-busy again, but I didn't iron! They are wearing knits and sweaters! Haha- my new faves! : )
Oh My Holly! I had a free moment and figured I'd check in on everyone's lives... wow!!! Congrats!!! What wonderful news! I hope you are feeling well and doing great... let me know if you need anything!!
How do you have a free moment?? Heehee-I'm missing you! How's it going? I got on FB for a few minutes yesterday, and read that you are taking your parents to the airport? I bet you'll miss them. : ( It might be nice for you guys to get in a routine on your own. I haven't seen Rose in almost 3 weeks! I bet she's grown!!
I'm doing fine-super stressed this am, but I'll be okay. The kids were all ready for school, and Ches usually takes them, and he was nowhere to be found! They usually leave at 7:35 or 7:40, and it was 7:48! I just know they'll be late. They lock the doors, and they have to go around to the front, get tardy slips, and then they're REALLY late to class! Enough to spike my blood pressure. Ugh. We take them out sometimes for appointments and vacation days, so we try to be there every minute we can! Ugh. I'm trying to chill out.
We passed your van yesterday in the drop off lane, and I wanted to talk to you! Did you guys stay for church? I didn't see you or Emily at Children's Liturgy!
I don't need anything right now, but ask again in 6 months! heehee He told me it'll probably be September. It's just occurring to me that the kids need fall school clothes, lunchboxes, backpacks, etc! I'm trying to plan early...
Thanks, and we'll have to let the kids play! : )
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