An absolutely great day! : ) Lunch with a friend (I hadn't seen in maybe 18 years? we were trying to remember. . ), shopping with a friend-a great time! We ate dinner late and will meet up with another friend for lunch tomorrow. Branson is turning out to be our second home. Heehee
I was so worried about the roads, but God was watching over me. They were so dry and perfect. It even snowed these big massive flakes all day-beautiful, but absolutely no accumulation. And because it was sooo cold (the high was 14 degrees), the car would get cold, we'd get back in, and you could see the perfect flakes on the windshield-awe-some. You cannot look at all the individual flakes and think there isn't a God orchestrating our world. Impossible. Just so perfect.
On another note, I've pigged out at Pizza Hut, then tried on clothes-Not a Good Idea. Makes your wobbly bits a teensy bit more noticeable!! (or tons more so) I found a beautiful white jacket (looks like softened leather, but it's not, so no animal died for me), it has zippers on the sleeves, that I am going to have hemmed, so the zips may go. I'm sure alterations will cost as much as the jacket, but it's rockin'! And I was needing a new jacket...
We are winding down, getting ready for bed-we have a long day tomorrow! We are dressing warm, and our hearts are pumping with fun, so we'll be fine. Keep your babies in, and stay warm!
1 week ago
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