Great day : ) Was a little more tired-the adrenaline was a little less flow-y today. I think I'm coming down off the high I had during the week making all the sweet little presents for all the teachers: church, school, nurse, Bunko group, etc. I made it, and crashed today. Had a little nap, recharged enough to straighten up the house, work on laundry (do they have to keep wearing all those clothes??), and go OUT! Somehow, I revived. heehee : )
We went to our fantastic party! Wine was great, people all were beautiful and so very sweet. Then we left, went to speed-shop. Sam's for Clay gift (and Ches' vital gum (flare)-almost freaked out when I offered him a Juicy Fruit!), then to Target for Wii toys, Wii Music, and Noodleboro game and beads for a special little girl, and then to Best Buy for more Wii paraphernalia!!!! (Fit board rubbery pad/cover, mat to go under balance board, extra wheel/remote/nunchuck) They signed us up for some rewards program. I guess they thought we'd be back. What gave them that idea? I haven't been in there for about 4 years. It's not my kinda place. I like the bead-y, sequin-y, silk-y, leather-y, or crafty kind of places. Tech is not me. As long as my computer can do the searching/shopping, I'm happy with my computer. : )
What do you think about the fake pets? My dear son will just die again this Christmas when Santa fails him again. He didn't write a letter due to last year's sadness. He wants a "real, alive" dog. I just can't have another eating, pooping thing right now. My plate is full. He thinks Santa knows I don't want one. I've searched online, locally, and can't find the perfect pet. (Is there one?) I found Beauty (see previous post), and she's big now. Not so I-can't-bear-to-live-without-her-cute anymore. Soo...anyway, I found these Fur-Real pets that I thought they'd dig, but Ches said no. He wanted to get a video game that simulates them. Yeah, right. Like there's anything to hug there. So we got neither. I did find that the Littlest Pet Shop game has 11 reviews-all 5 stars! (on So, maybe I'll get the little purple animals with massive eyes and tiny bodies. So real.
Oh, and we saw Seven Pounds. I thought it was awesome. Some rating person gave it a 29%, but I'm not a pro. It was deep, beautiful (once you figured it out), and just perfect at Christmas for the ultimate gifts. Won't say too much and ruin it for you. Go see it.
See? I have so much more to say after the kids go to bed. Sweet little things.
And I'm working on getting Ethan twin sheets and bedding for a twin bed. We've reached the day-sadly. Last night at midnight he was in a ball on the floor under his blankie. It's time, sniff, sniff.
I 'm thankful for: moms who babysit, fun friends, an outlet that goes out permanently instead of burning up my house, my washer and dryer, gas stations close together (when the light's been on toooo long), bling-y rhinestone belts, my electric blanket pre-warming (waited till 2008 to get one-too long!), the sight of precious angels sleeping, and a husband who'll keep checking the middle one till her blood sugar comes back down....
1 week ago
Do I get a bow on my head and cocoa on the ride?
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