Munch, munch, munch... I'm eating my words. I got another eating, pooping thing. (Well, we've yet to see it eat or poop.) I'm actually worried about the non-eating, pooping thing. I've talked with the breeder, Colene, four times this evening already. She's called me twice, sweet woman. The puppy didn't want her food, her water, the new food or meaty treats I bought... Then Colene suggested a can of tuna (to no avail). Ches is currently running out to Wal-Mart to get a can of Lil' Cesar to try. Say a prayer for the precious thing!
She's 2.5 pounds and almost 6 months old. She's a Maltipoo-Maltese and Poodle mix. She's forecast to be about 4 lbs. full grown. I think she's full size, but she might fill out more. She'd make me feel better if she would! She's all white, but down near her feet, she has a tiny bit of apricot and black on her toes and nails. I mean a teensy bit! : )
The first trip to Wal-Mart yielded a big crate thing, two beds (brown waterproof one with cover for inside the crate and a fancy pink one for outside the crate), food, puppy pads, treats, clothing (red & green striped sweater, bone-printed blue fleece shirt-ish thing, and a black/pink shirt/halter combo), a collar, harness, retractable leash, brush, shampoo, pink purse toy, dish, need I go on? I just adopted a new member of the family!
Her name was Lacey, and we were going to rename her, but Clay has taken to the name. He can't find it in him to change it now. His serious considerations: Lexi, Lizzy, and Izzy.
Ok, said puppy is now in my bed while I type... She's precious.
I do so love eat-y, poop-y things! I could love them in a box, I could love them on the rocks. I could pet them in my house, I could pet them by a mouse. I could love eat-y,poop-y things here or there, I could love eat-y, poop-y things most anywhere!
On another note (or is there one now?) We made it to church this am, my mom watched Ethan (steering clear of germs still), and we made it on time (or most nearly). Fr. John gave a great homily (and I got to hear it, minus noisy kids!). There was a man who'd quit going to church, and his pastor came to visit him. Knowing why he was there, he asked him in and to have a seat by the fire. The pastor did, and didn't say anything, just stared into the flames. After a while, he took the tongs, and pulled a small glowing ember away from the fire and over to one side. Slowly, it turned cold and black. He never said anything. Eventually the pastor had to go. He picked up the cold ember and moved it back into the fire. It quickly began to glow red again. The pastor got up to leave, and the man said with a tear in his eye that'd he'd be back at church on Sunday. Amazing how when we hear a story we can recall it so much better than we do a lecture. I thought it was perfect for this time near Christmas. He also talked about how we can never outdo God in generosity. (True!)
And...i don't have to make costumes! Woo-hoo! The kids are to be at the church an hour in advance to dress and "practice" and then BE the shepherd and angel in the live nativity before Christmas Eve Mass. I'll take lots of pictures, imagine that!
Tomorrow is Ches' bday, so we'll have to make it special! We had cake last night, but he'll get his gifts and cards, and go to the movies-his fave! He wants to see Yes Man with me and Despereaux with the kids, so we'll see if he fits in both. We'll have to get a baby/kid sitter for tomorrow evening on fairly short notice. I'll do what I can to make his reasonable dreams come true! : )
Happy things: cold noses (on mine), warm things asleep on me, the calming effect they have, adorable little things to buy them (they have entire clothing collections including spaghetti-strap dresses, biker jackets, swimsuits, bling-y shirts!), and my son telling my mom on the phone that he was MoRe than happy--priceless, as mastercard would say.
1 week ago
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