We are getting sooo close to our Walk to Cure Type 1 Diabetes this weekend! Our shirts got printed today, so we'll pick them up in the morning, sort and deliver! Here is the front:
And I always order banners for the tent from Vistaprint..and sometimes pay a HUGE super-fast delivery charge to get them here quickly. But I checked into Staples, and they print them the SAME Day in-house! : ) They are the same (and the website you order the banners from is even IDENTICAL!!). Happy! Skipping the $30 delivery fee! : )
I sent an email out to walkers today with all the details (where to park and where to go, when to arrive, when to register, when to show up for pictures! ..what to wear, a map, and all of the fun things to do there, etc.)!
We did get team bows made again, Sequoia is awesome!! I tell her every year, and she needs to be in big business..but she's all, "It's a side job, I am a teacher!" Don't let her fool you, she's awesome, and her prices are awesome-r! ; )
:wish I'd bothered to take a picture of all the red/white chevron bows to show you:
:adding it to Things to Do:
We are so thankful for the friends and families who are supporting our family this year! From scouts to church and school friends, old friends and new friends..we are blessed. I'm so thankful Clay will have at least a couple friends walking with him. He felt left out last year right after diagnosis. In a hot pink shirt.
We let him make some major shirt decisions this year..from the color to style, etc. I think he wanted Super Mario Bros. fonts, but Mary Claire just flat out rejected that..so hopefully we met in the middle. This is definitely making things harder! : )
If you are walking with us, THANK YOU!! We are so excited! The high is only 70 degrees, so it may not be so warm on Saturday morning..we are hoping to get some hot chocolate for you!
If you aren't walking with us, please say a prayer for us! For everyone's safety as we walk (on the UA campus streets!), for a CURE for our kids, and for all the teams to have fun and cheer each other on..no competition. ; ) I love all our JDRF kids, and I can't compete.
If you'd still like to join our Walk to Cure team this year, here is the link. If you are feeling generous, you can always donate to JDRF with the same link!! : )
Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more
significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own
interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2: 3-4