Friday, October 18, 2013

Making it : )

We made it through the first 48 hours.  Consider it our second accomplishment. ; )  He is nothing like Mary Claire. The multiple shots, two insulins, I know it's normal..but right now I feel like a full-time nurse. (like I didn't before, ha)

I feel like complaining isn't an option (but I can make sad faces and cry now and then).  I feel like I have to be strong for Clay, so he knows it's not the end of the world.  It's really not, but it just sucks.  That's the easiest thing to say.  I felt like my days were endless before, my nights were meeting my mornings too quickly, and now?  I realized today I have to get up even earlier..I have to check and correct two now!

Clay hasn't been back to school yet, but even him not getting around this morning, I was still late leaving to take the other kids to school!  Clay likes to pick a finger for me to check first thing in the morning when I wake him up, and then he likes to decide which arm I should give a shot.  It takes a while.  Like..he ponders over where the last one was..which one isn't sore..which finger is feeling the least feeling.  Etc.  Take my word when I say it takes a while.

We did call the Omnipod rep (and left a message) to try the pod.  I think it's better suited to his active life (than the Medtronic pump Mary Claire uses), and his loathing of tubing.  We'll see how it goes.  His doctor is still not super "on-board", but I can't keep up the shots.  Little bits of insulin drip out the needles on the insulin pens, and insulin comes back out the holes in his arms..and they are about a unit's worth!  That loss of a unit when you only give 1.5 or 2 units is a BiG loss!  It means he'll stay high.  See? tough.

His spirit is still happy.  He tells me he thinks his attitude is actually better now.  He thought it was an awful day before when he had to run errands with he knows there are worse things. ;o)  And there are worse things than diabetes too.  He's doing ok.  (shocking, after the bawling we did together on Wednesday!)

He and Mary Claire are bonding too.  Also surprising. ; )  They've always had a sibling rivalry thing going since they are only 17 months apart.  I'm just happy to see them sharing needle/pump information and stories.  Really, it's comforting to a momma's heart.

So..we finally got all of our supplies (except another box of strips we need to get from Bentonville today).  Only three pharmacy visits.  I'll just remember to call for refills a couple days early! ; )

I've had awesome friends help to deliver shirts, pick up prescriptions, make and deliver stickers for our shirts (bring me chocolate!!), and we are incredibly thankful (understatement!) for your caring, heart-felt notes, thoughts and prayers during this time of intense change.  It'll be okay, and we'll figure it's just a LOT right now.  If we make it a couple hours with no tears (mostly just mine!), we are considering it success. : ) moves on.  I have a couple pictures for you. : )
The kitchen, prepriming/prepainting. Eeeee!  It'll be all painted in a week!  SO exciting!

Our sweet friend, Leigh, brought Clay a JDRF Bag of Hope and his Rufus bear.  I found Clay all rolled up in a blanket with Rufus inside this morning.  So sweet.  (They are never too big.)  (And I was too late to catch Carter hugging on the bear!)

Stain went on yesterday! : )

It'll be some stain, some paint. ; )

I had the seat stained (I'm sure my kids will stand on it!), and the rest will be painted.

And, the stickers are perfect!!  These will go on all the shirts, aren't they cute?!  We also ordered balloons for tomorrow to go on the tent (mostly blue with a tiny bit of gray).  Fun!
I have to'll be a relief to move.  We moved away from the house Mary Claire was diagnosed in, and we'll move away from the house Clay was diagnosed in.  I don't know..just a fresh start with new memories.  We'll always remember, but this way we don't walk by the places that tug at our hearts every day.  Where he had his first shot, where she sat and cried, where I saw her skeleton body, where he laid awake staring, thinking.  Change is good. : )
Just wanted to let you know we are making it, one day at a time.  And life totally goes on.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, may God bless you.  Hugs!

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Love the stickers... They look great. Have a wonderful walk. I know it will be tough (we did our first walk two weeks after Elise was dx'd), but I'm hoping it will uplift you too.