Life is about to get a little more intense. I won't bore you with all the things going on at our house (oh, maybe I will. Kindergarten and fifth grade graduation, baseball games, our anniversary, last day of school, a mother daughter tea, bunco, girl and boy scout camping, Mary Claire's diaversary-nine years! and the regular school/work/church fun!)..but now our house (remember the one for sale??) is closing on June 13th (small Yay! for it selling!), and now we have to move out.
Bye-bye, Housey-house. You've been good to us, and we have so many great memories. I think we grew up together. |
And..that's less than a month to move our family (and all this furniture..and deck furniture, and pool furniture, and attic stuff, and garage about needing more storage!). But, good news..we may have found a house. And close to Ethan's we can still visit our new house daily to watch it grow up. ; )
I'll miss cleaning you every day, Pool. And swimming in you this summer. And laying out next to you. |
I should also mention I'm very excited. I mean, we kinda started all this madness. We are building a new house (contract signed last week!), and it shall begin. Now the real craziness begins. The packing, moving, planning, choosing...and getting the new house built! I think the plans are finally the best they can be. (I'll have to show you my laundry room..I'm so excited to wash clothes in there! woohoo!)
I'm growing a peony bush! Only it wasn't quite the variety I'd wanted.. |
And in the midst of our family's changes..Diabetes is changing and hitting puberty too. Mary Claire is using so much insulin that we have to change her pump site before she even hits the three day mark. We used to base it on time..and sometimes we had more insulin than she could use..her site would go bad first. But now? I get a low reservoir warning so fast! My girl is growing. She's almost ready for a new pump..but do I get the bigger size to hold more insulin..or keep the tinier, more discreet one for "privacy"? OOoo..changes on the horizon.
 | spot for summer dining. Lots of hot dogs and great conversation. ; ) |
I should get going..we had an amazing ice skating/sleepover for Mary Claire's birthday Friday night, and then a beautiful baby shower for a sweet friend on Saturday, and my house needs some tender, loving does my laundry. ; )
Hope your home is blessing you right where you are. I look forward to shrinking our stuff to a smaller footprint (by about half!). Less to clean, right? : ) There are always things to complain about, but God always works it I can't complain.
So..I welcome advice for moving/downsizing with a family of six, advice for building, help packing, and... we also welcome BoXeS!
"Our willingness to wait reveals the value we place on the object we're waiting for."
Charles Stanley (Isaiah 64:4)
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Hi, this is absolutely not intended as a medical advise! However, sometimes if my reservoir run out before the three day mark, i just change the reservoir...
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