It's super normal here..except for my van's brakes going out on Wednesday! Just so you don't think our life is too perfect (SOOO far from it!), these things happen. I was headed out on Wednesday morning, and I sat at a stoplight. Slowly, my van started to creep forward. Then, I pushed the brakes harder. went a little farther. You know, when you are actually distracted, and the vehicle is moving? wasn't that!
I thought I was crazy, so I kept going. Then, it kept happening! I would push it slowly to the floor at every light, until I decided someone had cut my brake line! (You know, being all dramatic and everything! haha) I called Honda and told them I needed some help. They asked how soon I could get it in (being all trying-to-avoid-death-and-lawsuit and everything!).
First, they were going to drive me home.. But I was all four-kids and lots-of-errands and it's-why-I-keep-a-new-vehicle to them.. Then, they were going to loan me a vehicle (a really smoky one!).. Finally, I got a new loaner car. Thankfully, it still had vinyl-lined floor boards since it was a misty-rainy kinda day. And I have the three kiddos climbing in and out!
So..then I had to take Mary Claire to the doctor (HIGH blood sugars after ending an antibiotic the day before, changing her site, AND her dice.), and since flu is really bad here now, and I couldn't find a babysitter, the boys sat in the car. Then we got a new (the THiRD!) prescription for her ongoing ear infection, and took the kids to PRE. Ches and I shared some dinner with Carter, and I had ..wait for it.. a girls' night! We are super wild and crazy and shared some hot chocolate and coffee! ; )
It was really nice to just sit and talk and catch up with the bible study girls since we haven't all seen each other in a long time!
Anyway, I lived, and got the van back with a repaired master cylinder (I talk like I know all about them). And? stops! (oh, and stays stopped!) Yes, I totally researched the lemon law. Don't worry, I got this. ; )
K, got a crying little one. It's only's just getting started! Hugs, ya'll!

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