Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Playing Ketchup! (probably on my shirt..)

Hey there!  Long time, no talk. ; )  We've been enjoying life with four...and no sleep. ; ) We are getting used to functioning on a lower it's all good.  Big events keep passing us by-and I haven't had time to tell you ALL about them!  There are so many missed opportunities, but suffice it to say that I'm living them, soaking them up, and loving on my kiddos.  If I have five extra minutes I need to love on the older kids, get a few minutes sleep, or sweep up my kitchen blogging has taken a back seat. ; )  I hope it'll get better.  (at least the sleeping part?)

Here is a cliff's notes version of our last two weeks:
Mary Claire had a swimming/American Girl birthday party...she's 10 now! : )
Happy Birthday, sweet girl.  I'm so proud of you!  Did you make a wish?

Obviously we obliterated the cake. ; ) We crafted necklaces, shrinky dinks, doll hair elastics and clips, and...
the American Girl dolls even had their own table!  They had miniature placemats, plates, cups, and even food. ; )  It was so cute!

And then my handsome boy...graduated!  Fifth grade graduation, he's headed to middle school now! : )  We've had a wonderful year, and Mr. Ruddick was his favorite teacher ever.

So proud of you!
won't be long..and this one will be there too! : )

And then...Ethan graduated preschool and Mother's Day Out! : )  He was wonderful on stage-wish I had room to post all his sweet songs on video. ; )

Yes, this was all in two weeks!!  Next was Carter's baptism.  The kids have all worn the same baptismal's perfect for hiding mama's imperfections. ; )  He was very good, and I'm thrilled to have him baptized!

Brian and Courtney are a huge blessing-they are Carter's godparents!  They are amazing parents to their five boys, and I'm so happy to call them our friends. ; )
I think it's only the second picture of all four of them together.  Love these kids!  I think we are planning to get their pics made this weekend in Kansas City. ; )

I can see these didn't go in order!  This is my Mother's Day Tea with Ethan-he'd made tons of beautiful, touching art, and sang for me.  Precious child of God.

He even served me.  (and they made the food!)
Mother's Day at Ches' mom's house: in a tin lizzie, so cute! Still needs a little work, but the kids thought it was da bomb. ; )

His first convertible. ; )

I think he's our most photogenic child. ; )
Could I have the forgiveness and sweet faith of this girl, please?  This is at a Mother-Daughter Tea Party for mother's day!  (I was treated really special this mother's day!)

oh..and her beauty? ; )

We usually let the kids choose where to eat dinner on their birthdays..but she chose Home!  So..I checked her out of school, and took her to lunch.  She picked Red Lobster, and then asked if I could tell them secretly it was her birthday.  We ordered the lava cookie, and they all sang and all the staff signed a card just for her, with her name and everything!  She felt so special. : )

again..I think they got out of order. ; )  Is he laughing? at the "dress"?
For my best friend Angie's birthday, we went to Branson.  She chose Applebee's, some miniature golf, and shopping!  They stayed longer and got to go to White Water and Silver Dollar City.  Hope she has a fantastic birthday!! : )

The bottom of my post..isn't it the sweetest?  This is Carter sleeping while I got a shower in the hotel this weekend.  I just love these new sleepers with the faces on the behind.  Carters is ingenious. ; )
So..that was my shortest/longest update ever.  I'm promising to do my best to keep up now that I'm caught up.  Yes, promising to try. ; )  I will say that four is harder than I dreamed it'd be, to be honest.  There's never a down moment, but I think we'll figure it out.  The rewards are exponential, so we are still thankful!

Hope everything at your house is wonderful!  (if you have tips for me?? heehee)  Hugs!



Kendra said...

What an amazing 2 weeks!

OK, I am like in shock that you not only know Brian and Courtney, but that they are Carter's godparents. Dave and I have history, what a small world.

It was so great to see you at look amazing Holly.

The Ware's said...

What a great update on everything.. such a neat idea for the American Girl party!

Jen Snow said...

love all your pictures! hopefully things will calm down now that school is out for a little while!! :) Make sure and take some time to take care of YOU!

Unknown said...

OH MY!!! You have been busy girl. Love the pix and thanks for updating. The family looks fabulous, happy, and loved. xo

Anonymous said...

Whew! What a crazy, busy, exciting, fabulous time you all have been having.
What a precious family you have!!