Thursday, December 1, 2011

Decorating for Christmas!

Hey ya'll!  I have been a little sick, but pulling through.  I finally got an antibiotic today (since I was starting to have pain in my sinuses!), so I'm hoping to be all better in a few days.  I've slept a lot (yay!), but still got some stuff done.

I have decorated a little (got at least one room done enough, even though I gave up on ornaments!).  Unboxing and unwrapping each individual ornament got I did all the kids' ornaments and easy stuff! : )

Here are some pictures of the hearth room!:
This would be Mama Bear's chair..and Baby Bear's chair!

..and Oh, Oh, Oh!! I got my new ivory slipcovers on! the windows need drapes. ; )

Oh.  You can't see any Christmas decorations in the dark of the shelves.  haha, oh well! : )

Well, the bottom is heavily decorated..but the top got to be too much for me!  ..And I got a few presents wrapped tonight! ; )
I also got a new tree on Black Friday!  We had given two away last year (one Ches hated putting together-but it was full and gorgeous, and the other was a 12' prelit, but the upper lights didn't work!).  It was an unbelievable deal (7 foot prelit tree for $39 at JoAnn!), and it was crazy how I got it (they were sold out, but it was Ta-Da!).  But, we got it home, set it up..And.  I knew why they took it back.  It was a Charlie Brown tree.  The small box should have been a huge clue.  Here it is before:
(sorry for the was just too much with the lights on!) (umm..I mean too Charlie-Brown-see-through-the-branches-like!)

But after layering tons of berry garlands, feather garlands, and ornaments from the inside to filled out nicely!  I'll keep it. ; )  Ches really wanted a tree in the front window since we really don't do outside Christmas lights, so this fit the bill.  (This will be the baby room in the future!)
And the last bit of decorating I managed?  A new wreath!  I don't know what I'll do with the old ones-it seems our attic is running out of wreath storage (according to the Facility Manager anyway).  The new thing (well, here anyway) is big wide (almost 2 foot!) ribbon/netting stuff to use as ribbon.  In fact, some wreaths are ALL netted ribbon stuff.  But..I had a new wreath, so I just added to it.  A big sign, some big red jingle bells, balls, red poinsettias, and a red bird finished it off.  Easy peasy.  Here it is now:
I prefer the Happy Holly Days spelling, but I love that it sounds like my name. ; )  I *love* Merry Christmas, but love to hear my name too. : )
Ok, that's as far as I've gotten.  I'll keep working..there are still so many Christmas tubs sitting all around.  I have to finish so we can have our floor space back! ; )

ps-Are you getting ready for Christmas?  Have you shopped?  Don't forget to buy for someone you don't know : )  There are families that need help, and food pantries need to be filled up!  There should be drop off locations at your church, and even at radio or tv stations, grocery stores, and your local schools! ; )

pps-And..don't forget to leave a comment for another chance to win the monogrammed kitchen hand towel giveaway!  I'll announce the winner tomorrow night after 9pm!  : ) I want to give something to YOU! ; ) Hugs!


Anonymous said...

Such an inspiration you are!! I so have to get on the decorating around here!!!!!

Amy@Diapeepees said...

Wow, I love how you transformed your tree. We've had a charlie brown tree since I've been married, so now I finally know how to fatten it up.

Kendra said...

Oh, gorgeous!! Happy "Holly" Days my precious friend!! :)

The Diabetic Camper said...

That is like over the top good!

Unknown said...

DEAR LORD are making me feel behind! I have done a little Christmas shopping, but that is IT! Gonna start decorating this w/e.

P.S. Your place looks gorgeous!!!