Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Treat for YOU!

Last week we went to see Christmas lights!  ..and I'm SO glad we chose last week when it was still relatively warm-it's supposed to be 17 degrees here tonight!  Brr...

The Fayetteville Square always does a wonderful job decorating and filling us up with holiday spirit-there are ponies to ride (although I hesitate to let the big kids ride anymore!), camels to ride, carriage rides, holiday music, warm cocoa and coffee...and funnel cakes!  Fried bread with sugar.  Yum.

We visit every year, and try to take pictures in the same place.  I can't believe that next year..we'll be Plus One! ; )

Here are some of our pictures:
Don't you just *love* the abundance of lights?  Nothing like overdoing it!

She was a camera lover tonight-rare. ; )

At least he was on the right side of the railing at this point.

They loved the dog that was under the miniature ponies' tent!

He was also loving the camera attention!  (Maybe they actually missed mom taking pictures?)

..and again!

It is super hard to get three to smile (and sit up!)

But we do our best! : )

Aww...just the girls ; )

And the sign was on an opposite corner this year.  (The boys had already run off!)
I've been monogramming some of the most adorable stuff..but I seriously have taken NO pictures!  Boo. : (  I made Mary Claire a cute little Reindeer Peace Sign (with antlers!) with her name, and a snowflake with an initial, a tie bib with an initial..and I have more shirts to do!  I asked Clay about wearing something I've sewn (I really thought he'd tell me he's too big!), but he said he wanted one to match Ethan's!  I love that he still likes to dress like his brother. ; )

Today was Clay's big eleventh birthday.  He is getting so big so fast.  I still remember the day he was born..I guess that's how everyone's mom feels!  Just amazing how in the moment it is slow going-but it just flies by.  He had a birthday cheesecake on Thanksgiving, and he chose not to have a party this year.  This morning we sang Happy Birthday to him over cheesecake and a candle, then he had some things to open (he already got his big gifts last Friday!), and his cards.  (Ethan wrote his entire card himself!  ..I mean, with me spelling the words!)  And we let him choose a restaurant for dinner.  He picked PF Chang's (it was such a hard decision for him!).  He had wanted sushi too, but they don't have any. : (  He settled, and it was still a good dinner and dessert. ; )  I'm thankful he had a good day-he was very cheerful, and I love to see a happy child!

I did find out tonight that he found a big Christmas present of Mary Claire's in our closet today. : (  ..and he told her.  ..before he told me.  : (  I'm not sure what to do.  Instinct says to take it back, but it's hard.  It would punish her more than him for sneaking around.  It can be awful hard to be a parent.

5.5 days till I know what this sweet baby is..I'm getting really impatient!  We have a Carter's store in town now, and on Black Friday they had an amazing 50% off the entire store..so we had to go!  I got three outfits..for each.  Just in case.  I don't ever get to baby clothes shop with the big kids, so I let them pick out some clothes.  Of course, Clay picked the boy clothes, and Mary Claire chose the girl clothes.  I guess I'll have some returning to do Monday afternoon..we just couldn't let a sale go by.  (And they are as excited as I am, and I'm soo thankful)  : )

ps-I think we need a contest! : )  It is almost Christmas!  How about a Christmas towel with your monogram?  I have a sweet new design:
It's an ornament!  Precious.  And I love the red/lime! : )  ..but yours could be any color ; )
I also got this adorable one I can't wait to try!  It's called Shabby Wreath! : )  It has your monogram letter in the center also.
and don't you need a treat for your kitchen?  I'm totally thinking I need one!  : )  Leave a comment, and if you don't have a blog, leave your email address! : )  Hugs!  (oops..I'll announce the winner on Sunday night, Dec. 4th after 9pm!)


Stephanie said...

Okay, first off, I was gonna leave a comment before I even saw you were going to do a contest for your cute things!!

You have the most adorable family - and girl - I have to say, pregnancy agrees with you. You look fab. You make me wanna have another baby. :) I can't WAIT to hear if it is a boy or a girl....soo exciting.


Amy@Diapeepees said...

I'm so glad you're always having so much fun. Crafting and running around and doing all kinds of fun things. Count me in for a comment.

Meri said...

It really IS hard being a parent, but judging by those sweet smiles, you are doing a wonderful job!

I'm so excited about finding out the sex of the baby!! I'm not a patient person...I hope that the results are clear as day so you KNOW which clothes to return. :)

And I love your towels!! LOVE!

The Diabetic Camper said...

Way too cold!

Anonymous said...

nothing like lights to get the season off to a great start!!
loving the new designs...totally need something fun like that around here :)