Florida's a funny place. I come all the way down here, and it's like another country. There are so many different people and languages-and I come all this way-and meet someone at Wal-Mart (ha! they have them here too!) who lives an hour from me. Isn't it a small planet? Pretty cool. And they were decked out in Mickey shirts. ; )
We have been total tourists today-shopping, eating, seeing a movie, buying Mickey treats, and last night? We made a huge decision! We come down here about twice a year (yes, airfare is cheap from our local airport!), and I always cry when I see the Cirque du Soleil La Nouba signs around Orlando-I've always wanted to go..and Ches? Not so much. Add to that the expense, and that we usually have kids (they'd love it!), and the expense of them...it equals a big no-go.
But after having experienced loss and missed opportunities, I think we see things differently now (or he does.) ; ) When we got to town, he kept reminding me to book tickets for a show (!) to see the Cirque. I have been beside myself. And..after being told to do it, the practical side kicks in...we shouldn't. Then, when you go check out seats and prices, you get only ten minutes to make up your mind to get the sale completed, or you lose those seats you've just nabbed! So, picture it: three times-I even had my credit card entered, and moved my mouse to the Complete Transaction, and it timed out! By then, I was committed.
Today, we went to Will Call to pick up our tickets. I'm so excited! I know..you'd think I was ten. (I kinda am on the inside!) Anyway, we are going on Wednesday, I can't take a video or photos, but I will be taking tissues. Am I emotional or what? (yeah, don't answer)
We talked to the kids this evening, and they are doing well. They got their report cards, and Clay and Mary Claire both got five A's-yay! They are doing well, and we are so proud of them. : ) Now, if we can get diabetes nailed down, we'll have this parenting thing! (like nailing Jell-o down..)
When we travel, I usually change Mary Claire's site the day we leave, the day we come back, and if we are gone for long..a site change in between. Well, I changed her Friday with the plan to change her site Sunday before we left town. What happened Sunday? I got all busy making lists (and..church, eating out, kids' haircuts..), packing, changing sheets, etc. and TOTALLY forgot to change her site. I feel awful! I mean..it's the MOST important thing about us being gone, the MOST important thing about my job..and I have to say-I did not get an A. My kids totally score higher than me, and I'm so happy I don't get grades anymore.
Thankful I'm only ten on the inside ; )

Sounds wonderful!! :) Enjoy yourself!
And P.S. ~ Your a great Momma!! :) We all forget things because although we're pretty good, we're not perfect! LOL :)
congrats on those school marks thats wonderful you must be super duper proud!
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