I'm better, lots of rest and some antibiotics later! I think I may actually be catching back up (well, not in laundry, but am I ever caught up?) So, Saturday we started with an exciting show..
We went with friends to the American Girl Fashion Show! It was at our Art Center of the Ozarks (where they have choir and musicals) on Saturday. Sandra got us great seats together! They were right in front of the stage (the one the girls walked out on, the "catwalk"!), and we could see perfectly!
The girls all sat together, and Nora sat by me! : ) Mary Claire is right next to her-they were SO good during the show! |
Right after the Fashion Show, we had a reception-and the girls LOVED it! Tiny colorful treats, yum! |
They also had pink lemonade, which she really wanted. I was so worried it'd be all sugary, but it was NOT! : ) |
She wanted to buy raffle tickets for all the giveaways, so I had her fill them out! I'm guessing we didn't win.. |
All the girls together! : ) (with their dolls!) |
And me and Mary Claire! : ) She never took her jacket off, so you couldn't see her dress! I wish I'd dressed up more! ; ) ..(I was feeling big-ish, so it was hard to dress me.) |
Then we transitioned to the ball field! We had four games again, and we started at Ethan's-I had to feed them while Ches was coaching! I got them hot dogs and popcorn (ooh, so healthy!) and then went over to watch Clay and feed him. He was already playing-I feel bad for him when Ches is with Ethan, and no one is there to watch him! He played at first base, catcher, and outfield. He is doing the best at catcher I think. He has a pretty good arm, and can catch most of the balls (if they don't go over his head!). He has to hustle back to cover home plate if the bases are loaded, so that's hard! I always yell out if there's a runner on third to be watching! (maybe that's why I feel bad if I'm not there?) ; )
Then, we had a little down time at home-I knew Sunday was coming, and I get tired! We got everyone washed and ready for church. We were all exhausted! The kids swam for a little while..we are stretching summer..I'm not ready for fall! We'll close the pool by Halloween, but they just want to get a few more days in. Now, to be comfortable, they like it above 86 degrees!! It takes a full day to get it up there with our nights in the 50's!
...I won't give you the entire negative update..but suffice it to say that a big boy has learned you don't write a "Stay Off My Top Bed" sign in marker on your carpet, two boys have learned you don't climb to the top of a 20 foot tree between Sunday school and Mass, and those same boys learned you don't play in your church clothes all afternoon on a trampoline (blackness), and while playing with black walnuts (ditto, but more brownish). (Oh..and you don't clean the soppy wet marker carpet with your nice monogrammed towels.) ..and a little one learned not to come sliding down the stair banister with a shovel in hand-when there's a glass lamp along the way. Yep, I'm in the market for a new lamp.
I learned that when you think you have a double dental appointment, you should call to make sure to prevent a revisit the next day! ; ) We also learned that being snappy telling the microwave repairman that you'll just buy a new one instead of pay for the $225 part plus $80 labor wasn't so smart. There's not another microwave short of $1100 that will fit into that hole. Hmm. And..if you want to get waxed, you should call more than a day in advance. Otherwise, you are waxing on lunch hour (but she's so nice to fit me in!). I also found out that if you wait too long to talk to someone, their friend might have passed away. : ( Gosh-a week makes a whole difference in someone's life.
Blood sugars roller coaster, our temperments roller coaster, our microwaves fail us, and we learn. Thank goodness for those bright spots in our week (home runs at practice, a great fashion show, and a flawless stove top.) ; )

MC is a doll, herself, with that red bios and coy smile while shopping the tables. Too cute!
Um, marker on the floor? Was the message at least spelled right?! And then to top it off with trying to wipe it off with one of the 'good' towels?! Oh my my. And, just what did that bow need a shovel for? I feel your pain but I also had to giggle at these antics. I can commiserate with you. My precious little boy drew on my freshly painted living room walls with a Sharpie . . . on Mother's Day . . . We ended up painting again.
So sorry I won't be able to meet you and your adorable family in a couple of weeks. This season is cRaZy busy for us and expenses of a partially covered Omnipid has left oucr wallets pretty dry :(. Another time, for certain!!!
oohhh i laughed so hard at their antics!!! so funny when it isnt happening at my house ! lol. i just love how your daughter told one of the girls how pretty she looked. now that is sweet. good job! glad you are rested up!
I always enjoy the photos you share. :) The AG show looked like fun! Lots of smiles there! :)
Boys, boys, boys -- gotta love 'em! Oh the trouble they find! ;)
I know. : ( They do find trouble!! And they don't have to look very hard. It's sooo much funnier happening to other people! : P
I will miss you sweet Amy!! I understand-and it's busy here too! We'll have to try in the spring? It's so stinkin' hot there in the summer!! I promise to take pictures and write about it, and talk about you like you are there! : ) (I mean in a GOOD way!!) Love you!
Ooooooooh boy! Somebodys in trouble!!! Yikes!
The fasion show looked awesome!!!! So fun!
Get some rest, Mama. Take care of yourself!
Oh no! It gave me a chuckle... but NOT funny ;) I am the oldest of nine kids and I sure remember those days! LOL I LOVE American Girl Dolls! I have the Samantha one. I felt bad when I heard they were discontinuing her... Even though I am 30, I still get the catalogs, and look at the cool stuff! :D
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