Clay and Mary Claire had their first ACO (Art Center of the Ozarks) choir class last Monday! They were excited, and it went really well. But, wanna know something funny? I had NO idea there was tuition! I just thought, "Yay! They made it, that'll be so fun!" And then, Monday the choir folders came home, and I feel like such a dunce. Why on earth was I thinking it was free? Nothing good in life is free! ; ) I think we were supposed to pay the first half of tuition, but I was totally dense, and didn't know till we were driving home. Um..I hope I can pay late? And they have uniforms: one for casual, and one for performing. heehee I hope my boy stays as brave as he has been. (He has a speaking part for his upcoming school musical too!)
And Ethan? He's great-loving his Rainbow School (yes, he nicknames all of them) (it's really St. Vincent de Paul). He has show and tell every week, and for "A" he took dogs (wrong, right?) for Animals (but he couldn't remember to call them animals!), then for "B" he took a baseball (yay, the parents finally get it!), this week is C, and I feel sure he'll take a car. : ) He only has a billion. I'm just thrilled he loves it, and doesn't look back when we take him. (I know, kinda sad, but then you don't w-o-r-r-y!) And my sweet friend Betsy and I are carpooling to Rogers, and it really helps on time. If she moves to Rogers by Christmas (her plan), then we won't need to carpool anymore. : ( But she needs to be up there for her family. Keep them in your prayers!
We have had two weeks of PRE (Sunday School) now, and I will just say it wears me out! The kids are awesome-really! I just love that age (second grade), and they are still game to be Adam and Eve or Elizabeth and Mary up front=*love*! I have found my equal-or actually she's better! I'm teaching with my friend Tiffany-and I didn't realize that someone could cover more in less time than I could, but she does! : ) She has set her sights bigger than me, and by golly she can do it. We whiz through our time, and have a parent line after class waiting to check their kids out. Our kids are gonna be so smart come spring! ; )
I made them all those little paper bag scrapbooks to use for the sacraments. We gave them an assignment to fill out the first page: their baptism. And to bring a picture for homework! : ) They are all sweeties. We have one who hasn't been baptized, but he will be before spring, they are working on it. ; )
So..I'm still Carrying On. I don't have an appointment tomorrow...Boo! But I go on Thursday. He wanted to try to skip one week of ultrasound, in case.. (something happens and I have to pay for all my ultrasounds-my insurance only covers it all if I deliver, if's all mine.) So, we agreed to go a week and a half, then maybe another week and a half (if I can do it!), and by then we should be able to hear it on doppler (free!). Today is 8 and a half weeks. I'm thrilled to be this far, but am nervous to take it for granted yet. Another month or two...then maybe. I feel totally fine though (other than the ability to sleep on the way home from lunch, just across town!).
I told my darling daughter (after some heavy, guilt-inducing pressure-by her, and a lot of leading questions-that girl is smart!), but I haven't told the boys. I don't know why-maybe because they never ask? Or because there was never a big "announcement" to the kids? I'm thinking after 12 weeks.
Hope you have a blessed week! Each day is precious, please let us appreciate it. : )

Congrats a million times over :)
God bless your beautiful family.
Good to hear from you. I was getting worried, but didn't want to ask. xo
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