Friday, July 22, 2011

Late Start = Unwealthy?

We are not early to bed.  We are (were) early to rise. But I can't say that we are healthy, wealthy, and wise.  Who said those crazy words? ; )

We left late today..lots of reasons, but none good enough.  An early trip to Honda to see if we could find Ethan’s Leapster Explorer (7am)…only to find it at home!  Ches made two trips to Wal-Mart, got movies at Red Box, we packed a last minute cooler with drinks and all our yogurts, fruits and veggies, and we didn’t leave till about 11:40!  Much too late to start an almost 10 hour road trip…we totally know better.

Here are the kids just riding…we took out the middle row center seat, and it seems like we have so much more room!
The blue shirts were a good call for all the blueberry eating they did! : )  (Oh-and Clay finally got the *bottled* Coke he's been asking for!)

Sweet girl.  She insisted on taking this Paradise Princess I let her wear it on the driving day! : ) heehee
We drove through St. Louis and I just have to see the arch.  It’s so beautiful, a real architectural feat!  I had to close-up to check it out again.  The kids wanted to go up, but we just didn’t have time.  We can’t do it all! : (
It's just gorgeous.

We were driving around the brick streets of LaClede's Landing, but there were lots of...bars.  Here are the Rum Jungle and the Drunken Fish. ; )

This is the church by the arch, but you can only park there for Church.  But..there are no posted I guess it's more of a St. Louis members-only club. ; )  Love the steeple though!
We crossed the Mississippi River, and had dinner in Indiana.  Mary Claire had seen my play-doh stash (in the new foil “Ziploc” bags!, and couldn’t wait to try out the new play-doh!  She got hot pink and the included cookie cutter was a teddy bear, Ethan’s was green with a snowman cutter, and Clay wouldn’t open his-he just wanted to play with Ethan’s!  I think it was Play-doh-Self-Preservation (didn’t want to mess up his own!) (lots of imprints of ears, eyes, noses, lips, etc. were taking place!)
A dinosaur!
Now east on Interstate 70 to Indianapolis...

We are finally here-at 11:30 at night!  We are paying for all that free time this morning.  And we forgot about the time change, so it's really 10:30 our time (I confuses me!  Especially since my computer clock now says 11:36, and my phone says it's 12:26 here!)

Whew.  On to the Indianapolis Children's Museum tomorrow, a visit with Hallie, and the drive to Washington, PA!  Woohoo, love vacation! : )


Unknown said...

WOOT! I cannot wait to read more. The vacation looks like a blast so far.

Give Hals a (((HUG))) from me.

Anonymous said...

Totally hear you on the leaving late...we rarely (OK, never!) leave on time, especially for trips!
Hope you have a fabulous meet up!! :)

Hallie Addington said...

Yay!!! Well, I just got home from visiting with you so I know how incredibly awesome and adorable your family is!! I'm so glad we could meet up and have some fun- even it was really hot!! Totally worth it!!

Wishing you a safe trip and lots if wonderful memories!!