Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Errand Boys

Hey ya'll!  I'm so happy the kids are out (and that I got to sleep in until 8!)- *love* summer!

Mary Claire went to my mom's to play today (tea parties and fun!), and we had the boys.  I've been cleaning (it all went by the wayside while we sorted out the end-of-the-school-year!), and had to catch up on my smell-good laundry.  Loads and loads-I should be thankful for enough undies and linens to make it, and a washer and dryer.  And laundry detergent, and electricity and water.  (I am!)

Anyway, we ran a couple errands with the boys-we checked out fabric at my favorite fabric store!  (yes, boys stayed in the car) and we filled prescriptions (one is now available in generic-woohoo!), and toured Target (love that place) to get glasses wipes, and Sam's for frozen Coke, new Popcornopolis popcorn (yum! the zebra was the best, but we just couldn't bring it home-we got two parmesan and a cheddar) and Clay spent his good grade money on a DSi game (he gets $5 per A on his report card)-I think it's Pac-something.  He just loves old Pac-Man games!  They wear me out with the joystick.  He should've been an Eighties kid-he loves the music, games, trivia (we actually have an 80's Trivial Pursuit!), and I have plenty of stories to tell him! : )

Ok, so back to the good stuff!  I'm soo ready for a change as far as fabric goes! : )  My living room is all lime green with a little pink and yellow.  I want calm (and lime doesn't scream Relax!), and I have the busiest rug ever made.  I used to love it, but now it's too much!  I have a pale yellow/golden sofa, a yellow striped chair, and a pair of lime/white chairs.  I'm trying to decide just how much to change.  The fabrics I found were all pale bluish, khaki, and silver.  One was a gray and pale yellow ikat that I could make work in the living room.  I'll just have to recover or slipcover my swirly, limey chairs.  I did make a fitted slipcover for a big chair once..  I'm sure I could make it work. : )  I can't follow a pattern very well, but I can just eyeball it, and I do okay. ; )

I wish I'd taken pictures of all the amazing fabrics!  Even as I was leaving, I was wishing I'd taken pictures of the entire fabric, since they all have big patterns.  Here are pictures of three samples:
Pictures can indeed be deceiving-this is a gorgeous ikat-the top design/color is a kinda silver color-shiny! : )

gray/yellow-the yellow is pineapple-ish! : )  (Pineapples are Welcoming!)

And here is a sample of the colored swirly circles-they'd blend my yellow/green with aqua/cocoa!
And can I just add to my Summer WishList (while I'm pretending I'm Oprah)?  I got the new Williams-Sonoma catalog today, and I found a couple things I love (IF my birthday was in the summer, I'd have to have them!)  The first is an ice cream maker (that whips it out in as little as 25 minutes and makes gelato and sorbet! and it's on sale for $79.99)  Just think (or dream, like me!) cream every night with yummy mix-ins...even fruit!  (or Snickers and M&M's!)
In the middle on the right! (and don't those fruity creamy concoctions on the left look amazing?)

The second is also cold-a Zoku Quick Pop Maker!  They make in as little as seven minutes (well..three at a time, so you can only invite patient friends!) to the Popsicle Party.  But it makes in the machine, then you refreeze the machine-so cool!  Check out the Character Tool Kit!  I'd have to have it too)  It helps you make shapes and face parts and it holds them in position while the pop freezes!
You could use these for any season! (well..any warm season)
I will give it to Williams-Sonoma...everything they have is brilliant in design and quality.  I know if I get it-it'll be wonderful.  I just don't have room in my kitchen for all their wonderfulness! : )

BUT!  I do have some extra WS white kitchen towels from my shopping trip back in January.  Tomorrow I'll give you more details about the next contest-I'll go check on my applique designs, and get you some pictures of stuff I've made.  We'll start a new drawing, so check back in tomorrow to register!


Jules said...

i love the good grade incentive. im going to employ that strategy for our second semester! hopefully my son responds to it!

Unknown said...

I almost choked on my spittle laughing at the "patient friends" comment for the "popsicle party". You are so amazingly crafty and creative. I do not have the patience for it at all. I am envious of your gift Holly.

The Ware's said...

Love Clay's new glasses (I know comment from the last post)... but before you make good on your wish lists.. don't get the popsicle maker from WS!! Morgan's mom got it for us last year... trust me.. don't get it! :o)Now the ice cream maker... that looks yummy! :o)

Stephanie said...

Girl, you are a woman after my own heart. :) I, too, was lusting after those items in the Willams Sonoma catalog the other day! And, since my birthday IS in the summer...mama may just need an ice cream maker!

Love all of the things you post, Holly! Your craftiness is an inspiration to me!

Anonymous said...

Those popsicles are too stinkin' cute!
Love all the fabric choices.
So need a WS catalog to flip through!!

Jen Snow said...

sounds like a good first day of summer!! :) I have that problem too with all that kitchen stuff. It's just so much awesome-ness!! (p.s. I really like that last fabric with all the swirls!)

Holly said...

Jules-it seriously works. My parents did it for me-and I made it through college on scholarship-a little on the front end TOTALLY pays off!! : ) woohoo!

Reyna-I'm sending you some crafty in the mail!! : ) Don't be envious-I have a million reasons why you should NOT, but can't write them!! : ) (sharing faults not kosher online, will only share small ones aloud.) ; ) hahaha!

Sandra-won't get the pop maker then! (Can I try yours? ) ; ) really? It just looks so fun!
ps-next time, I'll give a *swallow the spittle first alert*!! hahaha!

Stephanie-seriously, could we trade out the machine? I would gain ten pounds at least-the only thing holding me back!! : ) I mean, it's $65 dollars off right now!!

Denise-I'll have to mail you one-they are awesome!! Check out their website! But then you want everything. Hey, aren't you in Georgia? I'm SURE there is a store in Atlanta!!

Jen-totally was! YOU would make magic with that machine! (Butterfingers-I can already taste it!) Ps-LOVE that fabric too! I have to measure, make decisions, and go buy. But then, sew. Work ahead, alert! ; )

Unknown said...

WOW! You are awesome :) Love your crafty nature.

I'm SO NOT crafty.

God has blessed you, GIRL!

Hallie Addington said...

I would love to see pics of your living room!! I'm sure it is simply beautiful! And those Popsicles!!! Darling!!! I love summer, too!!!