Thursday, April 7, 2011

He Heard

The little daily calendar on my desk is calling my name.. "In my distress I screamed to the Lord for His help, and He heard me from Heaven." Psalm 18:6

Sometimes I totally feel like I'm screaming for help! : )  We had a friend airflighted to Little Rock on Tuesday.  She is five and a half weeks pregnant, and her uterine lining was thinning, and she was starting to contract.  We've been praying for her (even before we knew what to pray!), but she's okay.  Somehow, they surgically strengthened it (um, wow?), and she'll be on bedrest, but they are both okay.  Prayers answered.

I see more now than ever that me making it through the pregnancies I did was a miracle.  I remember preeclampsia with Clay, the horrible swelling, then the awful magnesium to relax my muscles, my endless contractions then super-fast birth with Mary Claire that caused so much bruising and her ruptured blood vessels in her eyes (probably all contributing to diabetes!), and Ethan's missed heart beat at 10 weeks that required an ultrasound to confirm and then a I thankful enough that when I cried out to God, that He heard me from Heaven, and brought us through the darkness?  They are well and healthy, and funny and so full of life!  I know not all my kiddies made it, but these three did, and I'm grateful.
* * * * *
My van is, however, not quite so thankful for my little darlings.  Yesterday my littlest kiddies were having dinner in the van on the way to Clay's baseball game, and when I had to slow down to turn (and the cars in front of me slammed on their brakes for a person in the turning lane)...and the plates (and pasta, nuts, and yogurt) (are you getting the idea?) hit the floor.  Ick.  I had to clean nuts from under my feet (yes, they rolled up front!) and then clean the yogurt off the floor mats (for the seventeenth time I'm super thankful for those all-weather mats over my carpet!) (except for two places where the yogurt got on the carpet.  God help me this summer in the heat!) (and the heated up dairy..)

Today my littlest kiddie wanted a big water bottle, he was so thirsty after school.  We had barely turned out of the parking lot, and he dropped the brand new bottle...on the floor.  I pulled over as quickly as I could to try to sop it up, but it was soaking in already, and I only had napkins-gross.  The mats helped a little, but the water rolled off the edges and soaked the carpet.  Umm..thank goodness it was water?

I'm trying super-hard to find the silver lining in my messy life!  I'm thankful for my new vacuum that works (and sucks, hahaha!), and for Curious George videos for Ethan during Mary Claire's dance class, and for pink flower flats when I bust my toenail (and half of it comes the shower!) (and I lose at least a month of sandal-time, boohoo), and for a straightened bracket today after my teeth obeyed my crooked bracket..knowing my tight, sore teeth will one day be all straight...and for ibuprofen to make my world bearable.  Still blessed in the middle of my mess.  He heard me crying out today, and the best?  ..He hears me. : )

What are you thankful for today?


Unknown said...

What a relief about your friend!

AND...EWWW on the spilled yogurt. I bet that is gonna emit some STANK in the summer :)

Hallie Addington said...

Oh yeah... MESSY van! We've had the "grown up" water bottle fiasco, too! And I thought the same thing - so glad it's just water!

I am thankful for my little girl, an amazing husband, health insurance, my family, and all my friends - the ones who live in my puter and the ones who don't!

The Mom said...

What am I thankful for? You. The Precious Kiddies. Sweet family and friends.

At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.
-- Albert Schweitzer

Holly said...

Reyna..don't think I'm not anticipating that nasty stuff! : P
Ahh..Hallie-I'm thankful for health insurance too!! heehee and for my 'puter friends! : )
Mom-I'm thankful for you too! and I love your quote! : )