Thursday, March 3, 2011


Having braces is okay, I've decided.  I really want to take them off for a while, but I'm living.  And I didn't use any wax today! : )  That's going from covering about 6 brackets a day to none-quite an improvement for me.  Still having trouble chewing stuff, so I'm slow, and obviously consuming fewer calories (I think!).  But surviving? It's important.

Today was fun!  I'll show you some pictures..we shopped for the kids, went to Downtown Disney, shopped at Lefty's (to get Ethan an ergonomic pencil, lead, and scissors), and got to walk around some of the most show-stopping flowers..that alone inspires me to go home and plant more than just pansies! : )

Aren't these adorable?  Ethan really needed school shoes, but these hardly fit the bill.  He doesn't have to follow the dress code, but he will LOVE these super-cool lime green and blue Pumas! : )

And guess who has gluten-free pizza?  Uno's Pizzeria! : )  (But I got the Harvest Vegetable on a Five-Grain crust-up above it!  Yummy!)

Ethan was crying, missing Mommy, and wanted a picture.  Umm..I was in the bathroom posing to make my boy happy.  I love that cutie. : )

Then, we went to Downtown Disney and Pleasure Island-love that place.  Kept making me tear up-I have so many sweet memories.  They may have to last me a while. (Can you see topiary Mickey pouring out the water?)

Here's a better shot!

Found a great Monorail car for Ethan (to replace the one he lost last year)!

Dooney & Bourke Disney Princess purses!  Um..what?  $162?  No, thanks, really.  She's only 8.

Did I mention they were cute?

..and this is where we found a box full of Mr. Potato Head parts (Buzz Lightyear shoes, body, a princess crown, magic wand, Minnie hair bow and shoes, Disney ticket and autograph book, Mickey pretzels and ice cream treats, extra eyes, nose, and arms..and more for $19.95--all I could fit in the box!)

..and while Ethan was making Potato Head at home, we were buying his accessories and sending pictures-of his daddy! : )  He was missing us today-I never know if it's better not to call and bother them, or to keep in touch to tell them we are thinking about them!

The Epcot Flower and Garden Festival is May 2-May 15th this year.  In 2008 and 2009, we were there on Mary Claire's birthday (May 15), during the festival!  Last year we were too early-timing is everything, but they always have amazing displays.
Oh, goodness.  Guess what I found.  The picture of the kids at Epcot in front of topiary Mickey during the flower and garden festival:
Gosh, how they've grown since then.  Three whole years-my whole world has changed.  And theirs too.


Hallie Addington said...

How jealous am I?!?! VERY! Love the pics! Love those bags.... Mama needs a new purse and we're going in JUNE!

Is that a gymboree dress I see on MC? It looks like the monkey link they had. Avery had an outfit from that line on the day she was diagnosed. I'll never forget it. Silly Monkey. Never wore it again.

Hope you're having a blast! Love the potty pic!

Holly said...

Girl, you just rang my bell! We *heart* Gymboree! No, the monkey line was the year after, I think (this pic was taken in 2008). It had brown in the plaid, and this one didn't, it was dark melony pink, turquoise, dark sage green, and peach. It had flower stuff with it-she had the little flower shoes (white sandals covered with little colored flowers-the ones they copy now at Target?). So cute! She had the peach/melon sweater with a crocheted flower on it. : )
Thanks-we did have fun, and you'll have to check out the bags! I buy her different purses for her meter, but $162 was too much! There was a big one you'd probably love (a tote) for $220! : ) I'm sure they never go on sale...
I never put the monkeys on a girl either. I completely understand. I don't think I remember what Mary Claire was wearing. We had to change her though since she threw up all over the car and her clothes on the way there. I remember her clothes from our hospital stay though. I wish I had pictures. I was too in shock to want to remember any of it.
Potty pic? Yeah, just keepin' it real! ; )

Hallie Addington said...

I know that line... Who's kidding who - I know ALL the lines! :) I think A had a cute little fishy in a bowl shirt from that line... Can't wait to hit Disney and check out those bags. I got one last year... so it's not like I NEED one... but.... :)

Holly said...

Well, wants and needs are two totally different stories, need to carry stuff for you family-aren't they always asking you for hand gel, tissues, trash for their gum, to see your phone, a mint,'s a FAMILY Purse! NEED it! : ) hahaha