We are in the car, hurtling almost 80 miles an hour towards our next destination: a restroom! Hahaha! We already had a little one who couldn’t wait. I don’t know if I should tell you what we do. Mmmm…thinking if I should soil my reputation. ; ) heehee When Ethan can’t go any longer, we let him go peepee in a cup (if we have one!) I climb over the seat, unbuckle him, then let him go, gel off invisible germs (Even though pp is sterile!), and we stay on the road. When the kids were younger we’d pull over and let them go outside if they couldn’t wait till the next exit (why is it always an emergency?). Anymore, I’m scared to pull over on the highway-both because of privacy and safety! There aren’t “trees” on big roads, and good grief, if someone texting ran us over, I’d never forgive myself!
I see these crazies texting and driving (and I saw one yesterday holding the steering wheel and a cigarette in her left hand, and was texting with her right-don’t think I didn’t yell at Ches to steer clear of her! I just want my kids’ old Magna Doodle to send her a MESSAGE! Don’t you have things to say? I do! : ) I’ll just make a poster to hold up, “Don’t Text and Drive-You Scare Me!”
Ok, enough private information, my kids would recoil if they read this. Thank goodness I don’t let them on! : ) We really are headed to Birmingham, and after our bathroom/lunch break in Tupelo, we’re on our way. We are a little more than two hours from Birmingham. I am just thankful for clean Love’s bathrooms, yummy fajitas at Chili’s, new movies from Red Box, and the brilliant sun shining! It’s still pretty cold here (33 degrees, and really windy-don’t know the wind chill!), but warmer than the 8 degrees back home!
We’ve now had a family meeting, and we’ve decided to go to the McWane Science Center tomorrow. We won’t be in Birmingham till after 4pm, and it closes at 5! If we go tomorrow, we’ll get so much more out of our $51! There are four floors of fun, and we are excited, but it can wait. We are headed to the Apple Store at The Summit first, then to check out the entire outside mall, then we want to make it to Sam’s before they close, then finally go to Riverchase Galleria (indoor) mall. I am *hating* my hair lately (and don’t go back in till Feb. 9th!!), so I’m going to get another silver sequined hat for Mary Claire (me!) to wear till Hair Redeaux day! I got her one at Justice in Branson, MO, but we left it at home. I think they are worthy of owning two! I won’t see anyone I know, so who cares if I look 16. (ok, ok, I know I can’t look 16, but maybe a wanna-be 16?) It’s that or ponytail for 7 days.
And…here is our photo journal from today!
Mary Claire working on her morning work for school. Glad there was a desk!: ) |
Clay getting our cantaloupe ready. We cleaned out most of our fresh fruit, veggies, and cheeses and brought them with us in case our refrigerator lost power! : ) |
Aww...aren't they cute? |
A cool train yard! They are lifting JB Hunt trailers onto flatbed train cars. |
He made an "F" then an "E" out of crayons! |
Sweet boys having lunch-and corn on the cob in Tupelo! Yum! |
Finally in Birmingham, and ready to do a little shopping at The Summit. |
Outside our favorite...Pottery Barn Kids! Don't you love the planter?! |
These are not in the catalog-but so cute! House lanterns! |
Awww-mazing Sunset |
Walking the Kids bronze-we had to take pictures. The leash is imaginary, but he's pulling them! |
The kids are posing in the crowd-the dog is pulling them too! |
I heart my sweet kiddos : ) |
Is this a pose? More swimming... |
Oh my gosh, a great day! More travel time, about 2 1/2 hours, then some shopping, a great dinner at the Cheesecake Factory, and of course...the new Reese's cheesecake! We did get the new hat and still had time to swim this evening. Love, love, love snow days! : )
The news is tomorrow...after the McWane Science Center...we are on to Atlanta!
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