I knew this day would come. We've had another diagnosis. It was only a matter of time until Mary Claire told me that Megan (her American Girl doll) had been diagnosed with diabetes just like her. I was really surprised it took so long for one of her "friends" to get it too. (it's been almost seven years now!) Today Megan got her pump and a really great matching pump pouch (just like Mary Claire's!). We reassured Megan as we put a new site on her tummy. She got to stay up extra late, and she's not as sad now.
The things I'm never prepared for. This is just one of the things we take as they come, because in our children's lives they are very real. She'd asked me WHEN (for goodness sake's!) I was going to finish her new Valentine's pump pouch (yes, she was wearing last year's today). I guess I've procrastinated a bit..I've had the fabric for at least a month! I even had it cut, ironed and ready to go. Ha! And then, other stuff got in the way. So, while I was sewing her Valentine's pouch, she dug around in my fabric and found enough of the pink peace sign fabric to make one for Megan, and told me matter-of-factly that Megan had been diagnosed today, and she was sad.
I could hardly ignore that! I made both, and got them all cheered up with some pink. Here is Mary Claire's new pouch:
You can hardly even see her name! (But she kinda likes it on there anyway) |
And here is Megan's pump pouch:
heehee-it's so tiny! It was too small to put a zipper in, but Mary Claire really wanted one! |
And here she is with her tummy site and her new pump pouch. She's taken it well so far. : ) |
Yesterday was a super-busy day, so I didn't even have time to write! We cleaned, made adorable strawberry cupcakes (and little paper *flags* to go in them..), made dinner for friends, had a date night... I'll just show you!
Look at these perfect cupcakes, just waiting for frosting! |
I got a chance to try the new kit Ches got me for Christmas |
This is the super-cool creme-filling needle attachment. You stick it through the top (or bottom) of the cupcake to the center, and squirt in the filling. I even made homemade fluffy whipped frosting to fill the cupcakes! |
Mary Claire and I made cute little flower picks to stick into the cupcakes. They each had a name or word with a tiny picture, then we stuck a toothpick on the back with little heart stickers. : ) |
Aren't they cute? (After the filling mess, I didn't mess with special designer frosting! It was getting late, and I had to take a shower before we went out.) Do those little hearts look familiar? We had extras left from our Valentine cards, so we stuck pairs together around a toothpick and put them in the extra cupcakes! |
Here's a closeup of Gigi's (with a cupcake picture!) |
...and Mary Claire's with a rainbow! |
And I'd forgotten to show you our finished Valentine's boxes:
I told you they weren't perfect. Clay added "bolts" to his mailbox-so cute! |
I'm praying you will be blessed by the wonderful love of God this Valentine's Day! Enjoy your day tomorrow, and think of all the ways God shows you how much He loves you. We are blessed. God, please show us how to be thankful for the gifts You've chosen for us. Even diabetes.
I have loved you with an everlasting love...with lovingkindness I have drawn you.
Jeremiah 31:3
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