Hey ya'll! I bet you are tired too-it's back at it, but with only half the steam. We are all tired from our break-I think we did more over break than during two regular weeks!
We had the regular school routine, then Clay had a doctor's appointment at 2:00. I checked him out of school, and we were actually a little early. He's been pretty negative lately, so I told his doctor. We talked for a while about what upsets him and when he gets mad or just complains and gets frustrated with me. He thinks that Clay might have a little OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). He gets very frustrated when he has expectations, and we don't live up to them. He got mad today because I wouldn't speed up to catch up with a Corvette he wanted to look at closer. He disregards the fact that I have to obey speed limits. The doctor also said he can be egocentric (ha!), and that it's hard for kids to put themselves in other's "shoes" and that he may not have mastered Piaget's theory of conservation yet either. One of his big complaints was that Mary Claire got a bigger piece of banana bread that he did last night (he actually brought this one up). There are lots of levels of development, and he's advanced in some areas, but may lack in others. He's referred Clay to another doctor (PhD rather than MD) to discuss some anger management and his frustration when things don't go his way.
I dropped Ethan from gymnastics this morning. They've been closed for two weeks, but the last time we went in December, he wouldn't stay in class. It's hard to force a three-year-old (now four!) to do something, so I'm not. If he asks to go back, I can take him, but I'm not up for battle. : ) I'd rather just have another sweet day at home with him playing cars. I can't see that he'll be a gymnast when he grows up anyway! (I can see him driving a really fast car, and scaring me to death! or building tall buildings with no fear)
So, in the new year, I've learned not only to add things, but to also subtract them!
We also had Mary Claire's dance class (we just went and watched, and get this-they didn't learn an ounce of recital dance. We watched them stretch and practice positions. That was a time-waster..but I got to talk to my friend, Tiffany!) and Clay's boy scouts! I had to rush a dinner together so we had the Mama Z's spaghetti sauce I made the week before Christmas (it was frozen, and we did a SuperThaw in the microwave!), if you make thin spaghetti (even wheat), it only boils for 6 minutes! : ) Add a bag of salad, and some broiled bread-yum! Clay even had seconds, and they all ate well, ahh..success!
Just a reminder to post your email in a comment (I've had one sent to me by FB mail), or if you have a google account/blog, just post your link so I can contact you if you are the winner. : ) If you comment with no email, just check back on Jan. 13th! I have to be able to email you the code number, or I'll have to give it to the runner-up! : )
Remember, up for grabs is a $25 gift certificate to CSN.com for whatever you choose! Shop around and see if you'd like something for free, or maybe $25 off? : )
Forgot to update you-we are getting emails from Great Wall of China to adopt a Waiting Child. I'm getting them every couple days, and it's hard! I would love one, but you have to be ready to travel (one child is running out of time, and you have to be ready to travel within the next two weeks. It's so hard to read about them!).
1 week ago
So sorry I am just now telling you but we are gonna come to the birthday party! I have tried to call you so many times and then life happened and on to something else. If it is a problem for us to come with such late notice let me know!
I am so glad you were all able to come!! We had so much fun, I'll filter through pictures and send you some! : ) (ps-Ethan was "fishing" tonight-and loves his game!) Thank you!
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