Can you believe it's the end of 2010? I'm just now used to writing /10 on my checks! And now, it's almost time for 2011. Remember when we thought people would have space cars, silver clothes, and floating houses by now? Gosh, what else will we be wrong about?
I'm so excited to start a new year. I am so happy we have new calendars (LOVE a fresh, new calendar to write in!) and a fresh start. We can have new hopes and dreams, plans and goals, and we all need a do-over. :)
I already have a new picture calendar to hang in my laundry room with precious pictures and beautiful quotes-Mary Engelbreit! It comes with a little handy pocket calendar that I *heart*! I can't wait, heehee. My desk calendar that keeps my life in order is a school year calendar (July 2010-June 2011), so I don't get to start it over. I like that it continues, since I put all our appointments in it, and I'd just have to rewrite them!
We have made it thus far with Mary Claire's arm. She was getting pretty sad this morning, crying over her arm, not wanting a sling or for it to be broken. It's just hit her that she won't be able to play at Ethan's birthday party next Saturday at Boingo Bounce. And that she can't go to dance. And that P.E. isn't going to be nearly as fun. Recess will be spent walking around. : ( I tried to cheer her up and told her we needed to thank God it wasn't worse, but it's hard to find some positives for her to recognize and appreciate.
Today is my mom's birthday. Happy Birthday, Mom! Everyone thinks she gets a great birthday every year, and parties, since it's on New Year's Eve, but she says it's not the case. She does have a party to go to tonight, but she said she'll only stay till eleven to see the ball drop in New York.
Mom and Dad came over last night for dinner (remember that yummy roast beef I got ready? It came in handy! And she brought her Five Fork Pie-Mary Claire gave it five forks for it's yummy taste!) And today we met mom and dad for lunch at Cancun, a local Mexican restaurant. Their salsa is so wonderful! (I think we ate five or six bowls full)
We'd gotten her a Arkansas lottery card to add to her birthday card for today. We've only had the lottery here for a little over a year, and we've never played. (I got a card too-the funding goes to Arkansas scholarships, which I benefited from years ago!) Anyway, we picked a Monopoly card for her, and she won $5! She said she'd cash it in for another card to try again. It's really fun to try, and I can see how it'd be addictive! I won nothing, but the back says there's a 1: 3.58 chance of winning-pretty good odds! (of course, that's including the ones where you get reimbursed for playing)
Ok, today's the day! I entered everyone who commented from Christmas to now into the list randomizer, and one person had commented twice, so I entered them twice! Then I clicked "Randomize", and...the (number one spot or)
winner is...Sandra!
I'll go back and see what she wanted on her acrylic tumbler so I can get busy on it! I've also got a couple of blankets to finish for a friend. I have finished digitizing the designs, but I'm short a USB jumpdrive to get them over to the sewing machine. I'll have to run get one! Is Wal-Mart open tonight? I just love going! Weird, but I have weirder issues. : )
1 week ago
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