I think I need a Halloween background on here, don't you think? I'll work on that. : ) Right after I decorate my house for fall..whenever that happens! (Don't I have a couple weeks?) I have to get the Husky Hoedown under control (well, my little part!), and then plan a fall party for Clay's class, and um..I think he wants to have a movie party again this year for Megamind, coming out on November 5th (his birthday is over Thanksgiving weekend, so we try to have it early)!
I'll get it done, just one thing at a time.
Today I had the joy of cleaning one small boy's sharts. Have you heard of them? No, not sharks. I have to laugh (sorry). We saw it in a movie, and we haven't stopped laughing since! We'd never heard a word for it, but kids are notorious for them. It's a cross between (to put it as politely as possible) tooting and a little poopy coming out. Think of the words....yep, that's them! Ok, found the movie-it's Along Came Polly with Jennifer Aniston.
Sorry if the link on the word (movie quotes!) offends you. It was really funny in the movie, and I kept asking what he (Philip Seymour Hoffman) said! We had to rent it to figure it out. Seriously.
So, anyway, I've changed his undies three times (four if you count after bath!) today. I guess it's the antibiotic? It's only a tiny bit, but enough that you don't want them back on his bottom! Ahh, my incredibly exciting life! (There for a second, I thought maybe he was doing it on purpose-just waiting too long to go to the bathroom, but then after I finally got onto him the third time, I think it was just an accident.) (Yes, I'm sending more undies tomorrow to school! and praying it doesn't happen there!)
So..onto my day. Ran some errands, cleaned more laundry, got groceries. Then, I started on the Hoedown ticket info and made some monogrammed cups. I have one for Clay's student teacher that is finishing up her nine weeks in his classroom, and one for a Razorback basket that we'll auction off at the Husky Hoedown as a fundraiser for the school:
And, while I was at it (on the embroidery machine..) I went ahead and monogrammed Mary Claire's new hot pink towel, that I've been putting off for over a week! It's to go in her bathroom, since I got lime green rugs. It still has the H2O dissolve stuff over the letters (to make the needle/machine move easily over the loops), just ignore that!
Can you tell I like that font a lot? hahaha! : )
Then, I made some phone calls and emails, bugging people to help me (Distress Call!!), and got two takers! Yay, for helpers! : ) (and one email that was wrong/canceled-just since school started!)
We had another guy come look at our crazy garage door opener. It is soooo frustrating! It won't just close. It does the rebound thing, like a crazy girlfriend! Up/down, up/down, etc. You have to back out, get out, open the other garage door, hold down the button in the garage while the big door shuts, then push the little door button, RUN for it, and jump the beam. Yes, this is what I do about four times a day. FUN! So, the guy comes, and tells me it's the beam. (I tell him:) Not. Then he can't fix the beam and says it's working fine (like I told him when he got there). So..he says it's my control board. (my van is parked under it the entire time, he's just guessing that's it.) Ha! He's coming back tomorrow to take $85 and try the new control board. If he doesn't ask me to move my van, maybe then I'll finally get really mad! : O
Then tonight after Mary Claire wants to wear another Halloween shirt for school tomorrow, I decided to go ahead and make her a Halloween pump pouch (since I bought the fabric on sale at Hobby Lobby today!). It didn't take me too long to totally make her happy. (it's the little things!):
So, tomorrow she'll be stylin' in her Halloween clothes, again. : ) Don't worry, we make her rotate! : )
I am hurrying to get ready for bed, I've started another good book: Mini Shopaholic-I love Sophie Kinsella-she's so funny! (and Becky Bloomwood so reminds me of me shopping-minus the overdraft! heehee) Check her out! : )
1 week ago
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