Here's our pretend first day of school picture. It only matters this year I will have forgotten! : ) At least we got one. The kids were even rushed this morning, and Clay didn't even want to get one. ha! Does he even know me after 10 years? : )
Dad's hemoglobin dropped again today. Back down to 9.1 (at 8.5, he got two pints of blood). I don't know what they'll do. It seems like he's not regenerating new blood cells. I think he needs a colonoscopy just in case there's a leak down below. Just in case. I know they aren't any fun, but you can't mess around with no blood!
Tomorrow Angie and I are meeting in Branson, Missouri. I have told the school, and now you, so everyone is hereby informed. heehee I can be reached by cell phone, and I'll be deep in Nike, Gap, or Gymboree!
Here's something to do while I'm Two Peas In a Bucket-one of my FAVORITE sites! You can shop like me and shop the things I love. Which reminds me of my birthday, which is coming up! Aren't they anti-climactic? I think it stems from childhood when we counted down the days till our birthdays, then got a present or a party! Now, they come and go. Much less hoorah. I still like them since I feel special on my day, but I have to make them come alive (with Rick's Bakery and some Brighton!)! (Does my life revolve around chocolate and jewelry?) (is that sad?)
Thinking Day, Cookies, Bday and Snow
4 days ago
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