My phone must be on strike. Or vacation. Or gone to see Eclipse. It is no longer sensing my finger sliding to unlock! So unfair. I have a life to live, and Facebook to check! : )
I can't: answer my phone when it rings.
I can't: scroll to find people's phone numbers that are only stored in my phone.
I can't: make calls.
I can't: read my mail.
I can't: read text messages. (not that I get that many anyway.)
I can't: call people back who call me-I don't know their phone numbers!
I can't: (isn't this fun?) listen to my voicemail.
Ok, I'm done, you get the idea. I'm not happy about it, but I have to be patient. I can get my glass/digitizer replaced (again) tomorrow, when the guy gets back into town who can change it out. It's very mysterious that the glass isn't broken, but it's still not that similar to planned obsolescence (by Apple so I have to buy the iPhone 4) (by the fix-it-glass-man)? Either way, I've learned it is not fun to not have a phone. I can remember driving off in any direction (for hours) with no phone, but now a trip to Fayetteville with three kids and no phone scares me! I know, Planned Dependence.
I had a great day today! We stayed home for the morning, cleaned up rooms, vacuumed (why do I enjoy this so much?), and it felt good. I love walking around a clean house. Ahh...I'm sorry I'm strange, but I love clean, and I love to do it. Weirder, I know. I even cleaned toilets. Yep, really. We cleaned Mary Claire's fishbowl. Threw away growing potatoes (they are not supposed to grow in a closet!). Then had some lunch, and went to Sandra's to let the kids play! (I think we say we are letting the kids play, but it's just as much for us!) We got to look at the new Stampin Up! catalog, and play with her digital scrapbooking software, the kids played games, played in the water-inventing new games, sliding, then having sno cones! The weather was so nice-we didn't have that crazy heat like we usually do-it was actually breezy and perfect! Ahh..summer. and no school. : )
Then we ran by to get some pulled pork for sandwiches (at Sonny's BBQ-which I think he sold, BTW. He was no where to be found, the pig with Mardi Gras beads was gone, and they barely spoke English!) So, we had dinner and Ches left to take Clay to boy scout camp, early! I don't know how we pulled it off, but he left by 4:40! Crazy-I thought they'd be late.
Anyway, a nice laundry-folding evening, partnered with some swimming, baths, some Judy Moody and LeapPad.. but we have got to work on bedtime. We are getting later and later. It was ten before we got them to bed! I feel like a bad parent-that's crazy late, and they sure don't sleep any later!
I have no fascinating pictures for you, but I do have an iPhone picture I took on Tuesday at Chick-fil-a that I haven't shared (forced on you!) heehee:
It makes me laugh! Ethan is the only one who would put his head in the cow "hole" to get his picture taken. The older ones told me no. Can you believe it? I mean, isn't it fun to put your head in a hole and take a picture? What really makes me laugh, is his mouth is full of chicken (and he didn't want to wait till he finished chewing!), and Clay is peeking through! Ethan wasn't tall enough (to be a cow), so Clay had to give him a boost. Sweet brothers.
I'm thankful for patience (that I may have a working phone again..) and for friends and food and for sweet boys willing to pose for pictures!
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Psalm 103:1
3 weeks ago