Making it through Tuesday was a huge relief. It was the busiest day, and we lived to tell about it. : ) Baby steps. : ) Having both big kids (are they big now?) in basketball for the fall is going to be hard, especially in addition to the other stuff they are already involved in.
Clay had gotten a good update last Thursday about his behavior in class, so we told his boy scout den leader that he could go camping this weekend. He had a mandatory meeting on Tuesday night (which it took me and Ches to sit through a little bit each to fulfill the requirement since we had other obligations also). Ches finished up the meeting with three kids, so he deserves some kind words! : ) But then yesterday, I got an email from his teacher that he's not been so great this week. He's having trouble listening/paying attention again in his class, and in his reading teacher's class.
I was aware that he has trouble listening, and I was just convinced it was his hearing. This summer we got all of that corrected after his ear drum was the consistency of "wet toilet paper" and severely retracted, and now his hearing is much improved. Well, it may not have been the problem, but I'm glad it was resolved. I've now made an appointment for him to see our pediatrician next week to see about testing him for attention deficit disorder. He had trouble concentrating and staying on task, not to mention listening to his teacher.
1 week ago
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