Well, we are minus 5 flu shots/mists, and minus some hair! We did not get flu shots and/or mists as planned. Our pediatric clinic wouldn't make us appointments for them. They said we cold leave a message for a nurse, and we did. The nurse told us the same thing, and said we could make an appointment and plead our case with a doctor (for Mary Claire's health). We've always been in the first round (for her). So, it does feel weird to be on the outside. I did call Target (and they have flu shots) and Collier's (and they won't have any till mid October). I can't believe we can't go to our doctors! Ches did find some flumist at the student health center, but he's scared to go there since he could catch something while he's there! Lucky duck, they have the flumist there! I asked him to see if I could go as a spouse, but he doesn't think so.
And we are minus some hair as the kids got their hair (hairs?) cut on Thursday. Clay is just shorter, but Mary Claire decided to really cut her hair! It is at her shoulders, where she requested, and so cute. I didn't even put a bow in it today (shock, shock!!). It looks very nice down or in a headband (which we've only invested in three, maybe?). I don't truly think I can resist, but we'll see.
Clay's practice was practically rained out, but he still had batting practice yesterday!
Today the kids didn't have school for inservice, so it was a nice day off, with no games! This morning I got all the sheets changed, worked on laundry and changing out the new dishes I got a couple weeks ago! I'm still not finshed, but there were so many to wash, and I just couldn't eat off of dusty-looking dishes! And then I had to clean out the cabinets, rearrange the cups, throw away the ones, move dishes around since the bowls were different... heehee, a good problem! : ) Then I had a late (after 1!) lunch with Jenifer since Ches had a conference call with the CDC (that kept getting moved later and later...). He had me bring him home some spaghetti and lasagna to eat to get ready for tomorrow! Then we had a playdate at Kendra's house. She's painting a cute cabinet all different colors-her "funky" cabinet. AdOrAbLe! She wanted my advice, although she already has a great start! I'm sure it'll be awesome when she'd done!
Then we ran out for a quick dinner and picked up Ches' number for the Tour de Cure. He got a great goody bag that was passed around the van-and totally got skimmed on the way around! I got a new thin Sharpie pen in orange, and the kids picked out the little goodies. He's ready. He laid out some jerseys trying to decide what to wear tomorrow. It's going to be around 48 degrees in the morning, but up in the 70's by the time he finishes! He decided on a short sleeve jersey with some "arm-warmers" he can strip off halfway. We crafted this lovely invention out of some baseball socks that Clay doesn't like. They go up to Clay's thighs, and he can't stand them, but they were perfect for Ches! We cut out the toes, and his elbows fit in the knee bends. I think they'll help. He is wearing short pants since his legs will be generating so much heat! He said he was going to bed early tonight, but it has yet to happen. Eleven will be early for him!
I will be getting everyone ready alone tomorrow. We need to be at the ball field by 10 (if we skip the soccer game-which I just can't add to my list tomorrow). Clay has two baseball games: a 10:45 game and a 1:45 game. I think Ches will be finishing up between 1 and 1:45, so I'm not sure how we'll work out seeing him at the finish! We'll meet up with him afterwards, but it might be after he's cooled off and eaten. I feel bad when I can't be in more than one place at a time. God's hardest job calling: a mom. You have to accept Good Enough when you want to be so much more! There just aren't enough hours in a day. : P Sometimes I think if I go-go-go all day, I can get more in, but then I'm just T-I-R-E-D!
Oh, and the latest, is Ethan, and his Non-Sleeping. And his fear of his room. He screams and says he's scared. Or, "Scary!!" We are coping, but we are trying hard not to set up impossible standards and problems to get out of later. Ches laid in bed with him last night until he fell asleep, but we can't get into a habit. He never took a nap today, so he went to sleep pretty quickly tonight, but we bought 15 watt bulbs, and put one in his lamp on his nightstand and left it on. He has already woken once, but I went right up (and he was shaking!), and he fell asleep within a minute or two. It'll be a long night.
And Mary Claire is running low. Since Ches is "going to bed early", I'll need to stay up to check her. Lows are scarier than highs. Tomorrow night is our Silent Auction, and the kids will be with a babysitter. I just pray it all goes well. I'll be in close contact, but it seems like things haven't been so predictable lately. I'm sure the biggest is Ethan's bed change!
I'm remembering. . .
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don't forget to thank Him for His answers. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ. Philippians 4:6-7
1 week ago
Thank you for you sweet encouraging words. They bless my heart so.
I love this verse from Phil., too!
Just wait! I have so many pictures for you! : )
Hugs, Holly : )
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