I've got a few minutes to write. We just got an email that Clay's coach "traditionally" has batting practice (for the kids who need to work on it) on Sunday afternoons at 4pm (it's 3:55). Ches just got finished riding, so he went to take a shower, and I guess he'll take him. That bumps us up to three practices a week for just baseball! He goes again tomorrow night, but I'll have to drop him off, as Ches is teaching! I can't keep two kids there while he practices!
*Update: Just as they were pulling into the parking lot, the coach and his son were loading up to leave!! Ches and Clay got out, practiced a while, and another dad/son showed up, sans coach. Is this tradition too?*
It's much later now, as I truly only had a few minutes! I had to make dinner materialize out of not much, clean up, and then clean again as the kids went out to swim. They brought all their wet towels and wet feet through the house! Ches has been heating the pool almost every day. I usually stay in and clean up from dinner and the destroyed hearth room every day. By the time I'm done, they come back, and I'm back on clean up/bath duty! They do stay clean and have fun with daddy. Maybe I'll swim more with them next year. There's just not time right now. I'd have to abandon a lot, and then do it later. I hope the kids learn to clean up after themselves better!
Tomorrow is already looming in front of me. I've packed the kids' lunches, and I have to go by the Girl Scout office (don't worry-I'm planning to take cash) to get the brownie book, register Clay for basketball, make my doctor appointment (which I see now is at 8:15), and Clay has baseball practice (already told you..), maybe lunch with a friend, wash the kids' sheets, catch up on laundry, etc. I don't know how women work. Maybe if they have a maid. Or no kids. Or are really effective, and don't play on Facebook. Heehee
I also have to work on my Bible Study! It is supposed to take a week, and I've only spent about 20 minutes on it. I better get busy! : ) I have some St. Raphael's International Dinner and Auction tickets to sell, if you want to come join us (we're really fun!). They are $25, and go to our building committee! The ticket price includes dinner (about 5 choices), and the silent and live auction. Oh, and drinks.
Behave yourself, pray for my appointment, and limit your facebook time. : ) Doctor's orders.
Oh, and one more thing. Clay has popcorn to sell for boy scouts. He has to sell $250 dollars worth. : ) Want some popcorn?? : ) You can give it away for a gift if you have bad teeth! heehee No reason is worthy!
1 week ago
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