I swear sometimes if I thought it'd save time, I'd quit breathing! It gets sooo hectic.
I made it to Bible Study (by the Lord's grace), and was glad I did. I didn't share much (since there's so much, and surely other people have "Stuff" going on?), but it was still good. I'm still freshly hurt to have the big desire to talk about it. We'll get there. I was thrilled to see new women, my sweet bunko friend, Anna, and even Virawan!! I was so surprised to see her, and didn't think she was coming this fall. I hope God has touched her heart. She is precious, a real child of God (but maybe doesn't know it yet). She makes me laugh! She said she was late because she stayed up late reading Genesis all the way through-she didn't finish till 2:30am! She said it was such a soap opera! : ) That girl is funny! It's the truth, but they didn't have Moses, the Ten Commandments, or God's son, Jesus, to instruct them. That's why God wiped them out with the flood though, was because of their massive sins. They were wife-swapping, and that's the only polite thing I can say. I'm just glad she's joining us to learn about all the great women!
Afterward, I started running errands, and only made it to Collier's Drug (and they didn't fill one prescription, and tried to get a refill from the wrong endocrinologist, and can fill it, but not give it to me till they see the PaPeR prescription I have, even though I faxed it), the sewing machine store (where I had to give up my baby for repair after hours of stress over a loose bobbin thread in my embroidery machine), and to the JDRF office (to turn in more funds I've received-a GrEaT problem!!). And then. I got the call, again, that Mary Claire was too high to eat. I don't know what's happening with her. She was 255 at 9:30am, was given .5 units of insulin, then was 306 at 11:30. (Expletive!?) How is that possible? Only with a bad site. But she couldn't eat, so I had to hurry back from Fayetteville to get her.
She insisted I not change her site, so we ran home, and she got some carrots, turkey, and more water to drink, and we gave her another bolus. We ran to Wal-Mart to get Clay's supplies for GT tomorrow, then to get Ethan. I checked her again in Rogers, but she was still 263. I gave her another correction, but told her if she didn't come down, she'd have to have a new site, it just wasn't healthy for her body. She cried, and wanted to eat. The other side effect of being high (besides all the thirst and peeing) is the irritability. So when we got home, and she was still 250, I changed her site. She started eating, and I put Ethan down for a nap. She's in my room, thankful to be eating. I hope that's all it was. Sometimes when she's beginning to come down with something, she runs high for a couple days. We'll see as the day goes on (And she has a new site/new insulin). Say a prayer for her! : )
Now I have to figure out how I'm going to get that prescription for her meter strips! I asked about delivery, but they make the Springdale deliveries at 1pm, and we weren't going to be home. Ches is coming home from Fayetteville (and driving), but he can't get them until they get the paper prescription. We also are busy tonight-Bunko, and Clay has a boy scout den meeting and there's an awards "assembly" tonight for him to receive the belt loops he earned at camp this summer. Ches is planning to take Ethan and Mary Claire along, even though I've offered to get a babysitter for them. He feels brave after seeing a family friend last week at the pack meeting with two other kids with them! He says if Paul can do it, he'll at least try. Kudos to him. He loves his kids, and that's something! : )
The nurse called yesterday afternoon to tell me my test came back negative. As if I was confused. It was weird. I had hoped all the negativity was over, but not yet. Today in the mail, I got this large package of maternity info from my insurance company, and a pregnancy calendar (kind of a nice one, if you know anyone who needs one..). I should be thankful that the good news spreads so quickly, but the not-so-good is slower. They said a questionnaire would be coming in the next couple of days, which means there's more to come.
1 week ago
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