No time to blog post. Tired and cranky and still stuffy and runny. : P
Just the Highlights (and Lowlights). You decide:
* Joined the Mothers Without Makeup/Morning Hair at school dropoff this a.m.
* Waited an hour to see Clay's ENT to tell me he's fine.
* His ear drum is healed.
* Less achy, more snotty. Me, not Clay.
* Bought more soft tissues and drug-type things at Wal-Mart including Mucinex. See number 3.
* Yes, can take Sudafed pregnant. Yes, amazing. No, didn't take it again.
* Had a taco and strawberry smoothie.
* Got my oil changed. Finally.
* Almost fell asleep with phenylphrine noise in my head in the waiting area.
* Now my blinky, yelling van has stopped with the warnings.
* Found out my brakes are between 5-6 somethings (good, no need for new ones)
* Found out I need my next big service (60,000 miles). Have I driven that far?
* Worked on my deck with Dad! Worked on decking, rail, coverup of junk/tree branches/leaves underneath.
* Blew my nose a lot.
* Needed a trash bag on the deck JUST for my tissues.
* Joined the Tired Moms with Hair Up (and sawdust on their faces) at School Pickup. Or maybe I'm their president.
* Watched Ethan swim alone in the pool. (well, sounds weird. He was swimming without anyone holding him. Hands were 4 inches away) Don't Freak Out.
* Made dinner. Ham Baked Potatoes
* Wrote 12 thank you notes!
* Managed to come up with some food for your thought even though I didn't think I had time.
* Going to say prayers that I'll be better tomorrow.
Your turn! Entertain me!! : )
1 week ago
I hope you are feeling better my daughter. You look beautiful with no makeup on, you just feel different. Once you get over the hump, who cares? lol
Have a good day!
Which hump is that exactly? : )
It was a better day, I felt slightly better. I can tell it's going. My voice is worse, but cold is better. CHes got the deck paint, but I haven't checked the forecast for tomorrow!
The hump = cold/allergies.
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