Decided to make her a jumper/dress quickly this afternoon. It's done, but I'm monogramming it. Just a great finishing touch. Oh, I forgot to add ribbon to the shoulders. So, I guess it's not done. I still have enough of the coordinating fabrics (4) to make some matching pants/capris to wear this winter under it. Those take longer. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow.. Except tomorrow I'll have new fabric to work with! : )
I'll let you know how it goes!
6 days ago
..and what did you do this evening?
Hope you are feeling well and Clay is okay as well.
I painted at the Cave Springs property. We had fun.
I will be home in the a.m.
I sewed more!! : ) My throat hurts less, and Clay is fine. He swam more, but I rinsed his ears with alchol like the instructions say! : ) So obedient!
Dollie says there is a method for swimmers ear which is equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and vinegar. The peroxide bubbles the fluid out of the ear and the vinegar must be a disinfecting method. (just an idea?)
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