Seriously, not much time, but. He is potty trained. I think. He got out of the pool three times last night, stripped down his massive body suit, and peed in the potty chair!! : ) We took it outside, since Ches couldn't convince him to pee in the grass (thank goodness). It was awesome!! My last small victory was on Saturday. We took the kids to a wedding! (Their first!) and he didn't have an accident (pull up, just in case!). He even went to pee in the bathroom! and when we ate afterward, he didn't have an accident either! When we got home, his pull up was dry, and he still had his little cars. Oh, the excitement! I think it's the potty chair in front of the tv, the week of rain (so we were inside), and the m&m's. I take very little credit-seriously-I think he was ready.
Ches is leaving EARLY Wednesday to go to LA...without cute little me. So sad. He'll be so lonely, and I so won't be. Crazy at our house. I'll get back in the game (Mommy Game) and go socialize. I have bible study on Wed, Thurs. is story time at the library, and Friday is Park Day. Saturday is church (we'll get to that when it comes), and Sunday stay home? I'll fit in CFA and some play time, maybe call Dad for a date on Father's Day? With my three kiddos? Haha. Only he won't see humor. Ches doesn't come back till almost 10pm on Sunday, so we'll celebrate late, he says. : ) I'll send some fun stuff for his suitcase. : )
Ok, babysitters (watchers? since I've no babies) will be here shortly. I'm headed out to register the kids for swimming lessons-more advanced this year!, soccer, get more groceries, thread for a friend's monogram, Target, hmm..if time, Dillard's for new sandals!! : )
Have a great day, and I'll catch ya later! : )
1 week ago
hi there girlfriend...just a quickie..
glad to read that ethan is doing well::keyboard is a azerty than a qwerty::
cell phone does not work in the mountains::but fine at hotel::now::saw a bear; lots of buffalo; elk; dear; and a massive assortment of huge black birds::bigger than chickens::following me? also chipmunks::
car is dirtiest in parking arena::does that make me an adventurer?
look up beartooth pass:: scariest place on yellowstone:: higher than clouds::
give kids a hug:::wish ches a good trip::and you will be great::love and hugs::xo
deer or a dear? heehee
I'm headed into crazy territory. Alone for 4.5 days with my kiddos. I'm sure we'll be fine. I'll call in backup if totally necessary. : ) Wish you were home. : (
You could start your own zoo. Or just a photo album of animals you've seen. The kids would love it.
: ) Love you too. Glad to hear you're okay. I sent a text with weather yesterday, did you get it?
yes i got text;;;but didn,t know how 2 open and it was five hours later::530 miles yesterday and almost that today::lots of clouds, some rain:::circus '-for sure;;u can ring
I am on mountain time, one hour later;°
another quick note: all is well. hope you r doing well. i know you will be fine: xo
I'm good : ) Well, and fine. It's crazy when they are hungry, but we make it ok in the in between times. I just keep feeding them-better than waiting till they want to chew my leg off!
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