New post coming soon...Really! : )
I'm making dip for a bridal shower tomorrow, so I only stopped in for a minute (to find that recipe that's eluding me!)
Today was our awards ceremony for Daisy Girl Scouts, so now I'm on to the next thing-a shower and working at the concession stand for the Susan G. Komen tournament over at JB Hunt park. Have an extra hour? Run over there and help girl scouts! : )
1 week ago
Jiminy Cricket!
Summer is for relaxing and enjoying. The kiddies and pool await your free time.
Hope all are feeling well.
Love and hugs~~~
Awaiting the coming post... ;o)
....Here I sit at my computer desk
....The cobwebs have begun to grow
....I have given up on the update promised
....And with forlorn I must admit my sadness
....Awaiting tales of fun and woe
....But as the spiders spin their webs around
....Methinks I shall get up and slowly walk away.
Ok, sorry. I started one on Monday, but didn't publish it since I wasn't done. It's so darn busy, and I'm not getting much help in the kid department. Ugh. I've learned that moms don't really ever get a vacation.
Geez, if "they" told you about the working conditions and the hours the job requires, no one would enter into the legally-binding agreement! If it weren't for the happy poopy songs, what would I do?
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