Benadryl-induced funk. That's me. Dizzy and weird hours later.
I had a horrible (but probably funny) allergy attack around 10:30 this morning. I haven't had a bad one in quite a few years! But about two weeks ago, I accidentally took two Zyrtecs (10 mg each!), and my world hasn't been the same since. (I saw one laying out, and thought Ches had left it out for me, but later realized I'd gotten my own out with my vitamin earlier that morning, so I'd already downed the laying-out one. Yes, I have rapid (or short term-) memory loss. And Zyrtec does cause drowsiness. I take naps, but enjoy not having a runny nose. All. Day. Long.) So, for the drowsiness.. I took one measured teaspoon of Children's Benadryl in a little measuring cup (the one that comes on the lid), and passed out. I was making a video of the kids (at their request) of them being generally goofy and silly (6 "chapters" of entertainment, folks!) and almost fell asleep. I couldn't hold my eyelids open. I made a deal with them. If they let me sleep off my Benadryl (time estimate: 30 minutes), they could watch their new video (only 11 minutes). I barely made it to the end of the video, and I was dropping the camera. Ok, fast-forward: I crawled in bed an hour later when Ethan and Ches came back from their bike ride, got up 30 minutes later for lunch, was too dizzy to walk or make sense, or open my eyes, so back to bed, and I just got up-it's 3:30pm!!
So, 1 tsp. Benadryl + 10 mg of Zyrtec = one big lost day!
Except that we're getting ready to go out and swim since Ches has been heating the pool all day! It was down around a chilly 70 degrees, which is out of my swimming range! So, maybe we'll grill and I'll pretend we've had a nice, lazy day outside (except my LaZy took place inside!). Just think of the tan I couldn've had! Well, burn maybe?
Did I mention last week the horror that was church? Ethan being Awful and me holding on to him in the Cry Room (no crawling/walking around if you were naughty!), then sitting in the van (no video, buckled up, and quiet)? Yes, I always keep good, new magazines in the van just for this reason!! Well. I'll say Buck-o learned a lesson last week! This week he was "pretty" good, which is an amazing improvement! I was proud of my little man. I mean, no Indian (Native American?) drumming on his mouth, "Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah", no screaming, no yelling, just pretty darn good! He even stood on the kneeler (due to him being height-challenged), and folded his hands together (granted, he DID NOT want me to show him how!), he sat when we sat, and we survived. So, if you need a good way that (might) work for your wayward child (no lawsuits needed here), try sitting in the car with them (in quiet-don't talk to them!, buckled up, motor running-again, no lawsuits!, and no video or toys) for the rest of church. It's agonizing for them (well, there were no tears-it's like he knew he'd been naughty!), but works! Ok, I'll work on fewer parenthetical phrases. It's how I talk, interrupting myself.
Which reminds me of Mary Claire's favorite joke:
Knock, Knock
Who's There?
Interrupting Cow.
Interrupti (Moo!) ng Cow Who?
See moo above.
Ok, it's not so funny in writing. But she interrupts you with a moo while you are asking Interrupting Cow Who? It's so funny! And she always gets the timing right. : ) My smart baby.
Which leads me to my sweetie's video. I uploaded it to YouTube yesterday, and it took over 6 hours! Is that normal? It was over 750mb, so maybe that was it? It's not as clear as my version on iMovie, but good nonetheless. Here is the link, if you haven't seen it yet:
Mary Claire's Video
And for all of you, go to the upper right hand corner of my blog, to the little writing, and click to register to WALK with us in the JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes!! It is not a hard thing to do (as we always take a short cut that makes us cross the finish nearly first) (hey! we have small children!!), but MAKES A DIFFERENCE IN MY CHILD'S LIFE!! She, first of all, thinks it's a massive party given in honor of her (and it..kinda is). It's the one day she's happy to have diabetes. We have jumpy things, photo ops with Scooby Doo, the Arkansas Razorback mascots, cheerleaders, and last year we had Sponge Bob. There is a ton of free food afterwards (involving the most delicious steamy bun-hot dogs) and chips and drinks, and fruit, and tons of snacky stuff, that they try to stuff into your pockets and bags at the end since they always have way too much! And booths with free stuff and face painting, crafts, etc. But it's all about the cure, and my baby. We raise money to fund research for Type I Diabetes-and we've heard the cure is close. There are tons of trials, transplants with immune-suppressing drugs afterwards, prevention research, good stuff, but we want a CURE! so we can say "Bye-Bye" to insulin and that sweet new pink pump.
Need another link to register to walk with us? heehee : )
Click on these words to register to walk!
and click at the top, Join This Team!
Alrighty, my kiddos are waiting to swim. Good thing my hair isn't all cutsey today. I do hate to mess up a Good Hair Day!
ps-Avoid the Benadryl, if you can help it. (Unless you are watery-eyed, sneezing your head off, looking for an effective inner-eyelid scratcher, itchy-scratchy, and generally useless)
1 week ago
Sweet little kiddies they are indeedy! And a Good Hair Day cannot be wasted, well except in the rain on Memorial Day with my sweet Clay standing by my side to do the teddy bear
The video brought tears to my eyes. You did a fantastic job Holly. You truly did!! Our little MC is one tough cookie. She makes me and Papa so proud with fighting her diabetes with very little complaint or none at all. Sometimes she makes us forget she even has diabetes until it is time to eat dinner or have a snack.
Kudos to you my dear for giving it all you have and then some.
Now let's talk about me again....
What time do you need me for Ethan tomorrow?
Love and hugs~~~
You are so sweet. Thank you. : )
And Good Hair does NOT happen every day! It shall not be wasted! On a pool! : O
Heehee : ) If you can come, it's from 12:20-2:20, and I've emailed to see if it's for the whole time or just a shift for Field Day. I'll call you in the am. Unless you want to talk till after midnight's already 11:45.
Why can't I got to bed like a normal person?
: )
Normal? As in Abby Normal? I met her once.
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