High Points: Decorating at my friend's house, pizza at Guido's, Dinner at Marketplace, short date, my sweet friend who shared her babysitter, good hair (thanks to wonderful wine salon), 20 minutes to lay down and rest, first rate parking at WM, dinner "party" with 6 beautiful kids, warm enough weather to wear short sleeves and sandals, termite man here and he sprayed (and found no termites-they die in the outside-dirt world-yay!), pool guy came and now the pool pump is working! and he saved us $232.74 on a new flow switch!
Low Points: Cleaning poop off a tiny male body part, cleaning poopy liquid off bedding, learning not to give large amounts of popcorn to a small child, traffic on Hwy. 412 at noon, Gogurt on my ottoman, my babysitter tired and in need of rest (love you, babe! Hope you slept!!), not enough time to help with stick horses at the school, worrying about my baby at school-high bs!, worrying about my baby outside by the pool.
Cherry on Top:
My kids went to bed late, and hopefully will sleep in! (That's okay, I really don't like cherries anyway.)
ps-in response to yesterday's commenT:
I was (visibly?) stressed, and:
Him: Do you want a drink?
Me: No, thanks.
Him: Wine? Anything?
Me: Yeah, red. (joking)
Him: Ok, Merlot, Shiraz, Chianti?
Me: Umm..Merlot.
Him: I'll be back.
(a few minutes later..) I have a huge glass of Merlot in my hand
Me: Oh my gosh, I thought you were kidding!
Me: Mmmm...
Sip, sip, sip..Oh, I forgot why people drink. Now I remember.
: )
1 week ago
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