I guess the ultimate Busy is not having time to blog about your business. I've been so tired.
Thursday: Ethan's ENT appt. (horrible-throw up girl in waiting area, kid playing peek-a-boo with Ethan-making him scream, Dr. taking way-too-long (45 minutes in waiting area with 2-year-old=too long), severe headache (migraine), tiny nap, make punches for Mary Claire's party (45 minutes using cute punches making hearts, scalloped circles and squares out of Valentine's paper), then lasagna dinner, Mary Claire to gymnastics (run to WM during the first part of class to get quick groceries), then home to baths, bed!
Friday: Woke up to kiddies who wake up earlier on non-school days: 6am. Got them breakfast, and got ready for worker #1: ATech Appliances. He came to diagnose the refrigerator (why the ice doesn't dispense). He determined the same thing I did: the ice melted down in the door and ruined the motor and auger. Yep, I should be a repairman. Then the first painter came-to give me a bid for all the paint work in the house: tons. Mom was here to help field all the people-it was like Grand Central Station! Then painter number two-all required the tour, rundown of ceiling stains, and all had their own questions, measurements. Then Paul, our sweet drywall man: to finally fix my hole! : ) and a few more that we had...some from kids' door locks slamming into sheetrock-Not Supposed To Happen, but Does. THen lunch with Paul (my in-progress-paninis!), another painter, then quiet. For A Moment. Then I remembered that I was taking the kids to see Coraline! We were going to the 12:40 in Rogers, but it was 12:30. So we made the 1:00 in Fayetteville. Clay asked about taking candy-No, getting popcorn-No (are you Kidding, we are Late! and I'm Not standing in line to Miss part of the movie!!), so he said he'd stay home. Huh. Ok-fine with me! So, Mary Claire and I took off, grabbed granola bars (pb and chocolate chip), and got seated with our 3-D glasses! : ) I'll just say the excitement was more fun than the movie. It was a bit long, my head was killing me-still. The 3D didn't help, and the movie was Weird. I should remember I don't like Tim Burton movies (think Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Sweeney Todd, and the weird Nightmare Before Christmas), I hated all of them. Just weird. I don't know if I realized it was by Tim Burton. The Other Mother turned into a skeletal woman, then a spider! Creepy. And the lost kids with no eyes needed her to find their eyes to find their souls-weird and too deep for kids. It ended okay-the kids get their "souls" back, and they lock away the key to the strange door/world where it won't be found again. So I lean over to Mary Claire at the end and say, "Did you like it?" and she said yes. I told her I thought it was weird! Then we went by McDonald's to get me a Coke to take medicine with (still with the headache) and we shared a happy meal, she got the toy (Hello Kitty watch). Then back home, laid on couch and talked to mom (still at our house since she was bbsitting Fri. night for us, she just stayed) about the movie, watched remodelers on tv, Mom cleaned the glass front cabinets, then Ches came in all dressed-it was almost time to go! I changed, Ches made the kids' dinner, and I gave Mary Claire her bolus for dinner (square and dual waves-long time-are my forte), made Ethan some dada (pizza-Bagel Bites) then we were off. Mom called and there was no Diet Coke at our house. So we discussed cures. I googled on Ches' iPhone, called till I found a pizza place that had Diet Coke 2 Liters (Eureka Pizza), and had pizza and 2 cokes delivered. Score! I called her, and she was happy! : ) Then we gave back our buzzy thing for PF Chang's, and went across to Fish City Grill. Ches loves it, and I didn't care. I was starting to feel much better after my medicine at home (two old pills from right after I had Ethan-yeah, bad, but Good!) so I had roast beef (which looks like a pile of meat in lots of broth with a few veggies-it's like a total roast beef). Then he headed to Choices (to get a card, no doubt!) and I went to Pottery Barn (heard they had $1 ornaments on clearance!). My gosh-they were amazing! I must have gotten about 50-and they were all precious and beautiful: metal trains, drums, glittered onion shapes, glitter striped pear shapes, red glass birds with (real) feathers, red butterflies with clips, silver snowflakes, lots of silver twig picture frames, enamel grasshoppers and a turtle, bear and penguin bushy things. Just a lot. Then, I spied a beautiful gilded (with irridescent glitter) white amaryllis wreath. It was originally $130, but said $80. So I asked if it was right, and she checked and said it was $31, so I took it. Along came a manager, and he said it was $4.99, so I said, "I'll take both!" (I gave one to mom). Then to the movies, and it was so good! Shopaholic-although it way departed from the books. I have them all and this was NOT the story line, but oh well, it was still good. Then to WM for a few groceries, home, shared all my fabulous finds with Mom, washed up, bed. Still with the headache. Even shopping didn't cure it. Hmm. Need.. Sleep.
Today, we've done Valentine exchanges : ) and I got a precious letter (as requested). Perfect. and flowers, and there was much chocolate. Happy Day. And now I must hurry out and find Ches the perfect tie to match Mary Claire's dress for the Daddy-Daughter dance this afternoon! Pink, lime, rose, will take picture and post later. They are taking a can of food to donate, 60 cents for a patch, and some great Kids Bop cd's for the dance. They'll have so much fun! Then later, church, dinner, and the evening is open. We'll see how everyone feels. Later, dude!
1 week ago
1 comment:
And thank you very much....for everything.
Can't wait to see the father-daughter dance photos!
Love and hugs~~
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