You know, when I start writing I just never know where I'm going to go. I can't write a title until I'm done! I'm a freestyle writer. Not working my way to a point... : )
Hmm. At the end of the day I had four cordless phones and my cell phone on my desk. I spent most of the day on one of them. Every time one would ring, I'd grab it and somehow meander back to my desk (my clean and happy place now!).
Phone Calls:
Mom: 5 (not counting my calls to her), Calwell Landscaping, School, Newly Diagnosed diabetes child's mom, Stephanie (so sweet!), WIC Call (my number is very close to theirs), Ches, Colliers, A&A Electric: 2, Pruden Construction, maybe that's it?
Mom is helping out our construction/repair effort. I am too busy and hate to receive bidders while alone in the house. She's planning to come Friday and Monday mornings to be here/receive paint, appliance, carpet, sheetrock people. She's made appointments with 3 painters, and people to do the other jobs! Go, Mom! I always needed one more person/assistant to make me look more efficient! and to cover more territory in less time. My fence-sharing neighbor said he wanted to repair the fence and he has time this week, so I mailed him the insurance money for that. Hopefully, he get that taken care of easily. One down, eighteen to go!
We had Clay's play tonight. So cute. All the fairy tale characters. And Clay had to be Jack (Jack and Jill) with no real costume. He did well, and remembered his lines. The ones I got to see. Ethan was having none of that sit-down-and-watch stuff. He had seen water fountains! and had to taste them. You know taller ones taste different than the lower ones. and the ones in the first hallway taste different than the second set. And there were science experiments and backboards to look at. (He liked the one with moldy bread, the banana one, and the bubble gum one.) They were very interesting! I liked the ones the kids had done themselves-and you could tell who'd had help! One was color coordinated with scrapbook paper and chipboard letters, all fancy. Yep, she had help. I learned that Alka-Seltzer dissolves almost twice as fast in hot water than room temp. water. I learned that bakery bread molds faster than packaged bread, bananas in zipocs mold faster than those not in bags, more sugar made yeast bread rise higher, and there were two egg experiments that had too many pictures, tiny writing, and it was hard to distiguish/find the conclusion. Ethan and I left early. I was seeing too many experiments, and not enough of my actor. Ethan would yell when we'd go back to the dark cafeteria. He laid on the floor once. Yeah, cool. We came home, and Ches came with the kids shortly after. He'd met us there at 6:45, so he was hungry. He asked what we'd had for dinner (laugh, laugh!), and there was nothing left. (Tyson Dino Nuggets, broccoli with cheese, and muffins from last night.) If there's not another adult here, we have whatever's fastest and easiest. No gourmet for 3 small kids! And I'd eat soup or cereal (yum!) if left alone.
So the kids are tucked away, and I'm making my list for tomorrow. Our scrapbooking group is meeting, but I don't know if I can go. I'm tallying up my list. I would LOVE to (especially since I have another trip to do: Houston!), but it's the errands eating at me. Mary Claire has a formal daddy/daughter Valentine's dance on Saturday afternoon, so I really need to get her a nice dress to wear and maybe some shoes if the dress isn't pink. She's ruined the toes of almost all her shoes (except the crocs and the pink Barbie sparkly ones). She crawls around on the concrete and ground, and grinds off the leather-they just look gross now. I would only let her play in them. In fact, I find that when I'm picking out her clothes to wear the next day, my decision rests on which shoes she should wear. I can't wait till summer and sandal and flip-flop days!
And I need to get my paint sample, my pansies, go to WM (my second home..), Gymboree (sale coupon, dress there?), Yankee Candle (to replace my bathroom candle), LIghting Emporium for a kitchen rug and maybe laundry room. I just keep putting off everything. It all gets to me. Nothing is life or death (except WM and the dress for Mary Claire). Well, not really life and death, just A priority. All others are B's.
Oh, and Ethan decided not to nap till around 2:45! It was yuck. He screamed the first time because his "didi" (pacifier) wasn't clipped to his shirt, then screamed because he pottied, then played for a while since I was on the phone (surprise!) with the sweet mom that has just had a child diagnosed. Ugh, do I remember that well. I cried for a year. It's so emotional, and you wonder why me? and fight it, and try to learn, and don't have time for other things in your life, and have guilt, and stay up late and get up early to check them, it just sucks. You finally decide this thing you didn't invite in is staying over, and you have to play nice with it. Anyway, he finally went down, then the kids came in: bang, slam, yell, slam, clank, noisy Wii, slam door, crunchy snack wrappers, slam, yell, lots of shushing, and he slept thru it all. Amazing. Then I woke him up making (faux!) dinner.
I got lunches made, Mary Claire's (carb count) note for school, filled her meter case/purse with supplies, but I haven't finished checking the kids' Monday folders. There are so many things to look at, sign, talk to the kids about, etc. They did well overall last week. One of Mary Claire's pieces of art will be on, her teacher thought it was good. They made E's on their spelling tests, and Clay didn't do so well on his "book report". (Remember the one we did late on Thursday?) He didn't write the beginning, middle, and end (it's a book full of comic strips!), he wrote his favorite part (she didn't want to know), and he wrote he felt he was a good reader (but he wasn't specific enough). I just think if you have to write about your reading all the time, it makes the reading work and not just for enjoyment. I mean he loves to read, and hates to write. I don't want him to start picking books that are short and easy to write about. He is reading fifth grade books-it takes him more than a week to finish one. I just think he's Written Out.
Ok, so I got great sleep last night, almost fell asleep several times today, so it wasn't enough. Early to bed again tonight. Maybe I'm still fighting this cold?
See, I couldn't have known what I'd write about. It's random thinking-well, my journal. You are just privileged enough to read it! heehee
1 week ago
Busy Busy Mom You Are
Today I will be Out and No phone calls from me..
My hair is calling, my shelves need stocked, my dry cleaner is saying "Where are you my dear??"..
Paul called and sealed the deal..he patches on Friday and Monday as well..
Sweet little babies, so cute, so perfect, enjoy them greatly, because before you know it, they will need a personal
What trip to Houston? What? When? Why?
Therefore enjoy your day, take a break, maybe sit down for an hour and choose not to think..
..Of all that needs to be done around you..
..Sometimes a watched pot never boils...
Love and hugs~~~
What is with the Dr. Seuss??
Missed you this morning - I didn't get anything done since Nora was done with sitting (we had her dr. appt and then Women's Council meeting before I headed to meet Karen).. but maybe next time... hope things have settled done for you.. I feel like I'm finally getting things back to normal here - we should plan a lunch date!
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