I've been enjoying the last pre-Lent day. Ethan and I went out to run errands, and we got stuff to make a cake (pink strawberry cake with vanilla frosting), some pastel Easter m&m's, muffin mixes (I can't possibly eat aLL of this today!), and then we came home, and he couldn't WaiT! So, we made mini cupcakes since they'd take the least amount of time to bake! He ate some batter, then two of the mini cupcakes when they came out-with no frosting. I used the rest of the batter to make regular size cupcakes. When they were cool, he saw me frosting them and putting on sprinkles and m&m's, and decided he needed more! Not. Going to happen. I gave him lunch, and finished up, then put him to bed. He'd already had m&m's for snack too. I so spoil him. (It's fat Tuesday after all..) I would have never given the kids chocolate (ever), or the things he gets. This is why we have a birth order, and it means something. Older kids have it harder, are harder workers, and are probably harder parents. Younger children have it easier, aren't the most motivated workers, and are probaly partying with their kids (jk, probably are easier on their kids though). I can see Ethan breezing through life based on his sweet, charming personality-eating cake for breakfast, girls for dessert-ohmygoodness-we shall be harder on him!!!
Speaking of, the Naughty Chair has been working for the little boy. If we even ask him if he needs to go, he stops his ranting. (Yay!) Ches also uses the bed-if he's behaving badly, he takes him to his bed, then gets him after he straightens up and pulls himself back together (aka-stops the screaming fit). It works also. The spanking we did a couple times-not so much! He wanted to hit us for fun, so we had to teach that it was naughty. So we couldn't do it anymore. As long as it works, I'll do whatever. I just don't want my kids being crazy naughty/bossy/whiny/spoiled/uncaring, etc. I mean, isn't that what we all want?
Well, mom informed me, as well as Sandra (my loyal commenters) that the posting thingie was not working. It apparently doesn't ever put in the letters you are supposed to verify (that you are a breathing human, and not a computer commenting-whatever!). Anyway, I don't know what is going on. Maybe I'll repeat the challenge another day. For the moment, I'm busy gorging myself on all things chocolate and sugary, so I can't concentrate very well. I just finished a box of Samoas, and have eaten maybe half the bag of pastel m&m's, and will work on the cupcakes after a sensible dinner involving meat. (As on Ash Wednesdays and all Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence) Don't be dirty-minded: not from physical "contact" with your mate (as I'm a pg-13 rated blog), but from meat: the other dirty four-letter word. So, back to bean burritos, spaghetti with marinara, cheese pizza, salad, soup, etc. on Fridays. You know, you only miss it if you are not supposed to eat it. So, tonight, MEAT! and Mate? heehee
Yes, Fat Tuesday since I'm gaining as the day goes on. Still don't know what I'll give up for Lent. I'll just be really good tomorrow till I figure it out.
Brainstorming more ideas:
Yummy chocolatey coffee drinks (think Starbucks Dark Mocha Latte, McD Iced Vanilla Coffee), Nestle Toll House break-and-bake cookies (raw or baked), or I could give up the fun, time-consuming habit of playing with my blog backgrounds!
Ok, forgot to mention my foraging in the stick/log pile out in the front yard for sticks!! I made a cross out of sticks, and I'm planning to put flowers/ribbon on it to use it as a wreath for my front door! As usual, if it turns out amazingly beautiful, I'll share my pix! If it fails miserably, I'll never mention it again. : ) Toodles!
1 week ago
Love the idea of the sticks for the front door - that's such a neat idea! As far as Lent goes - I have not a clue either - I'll post it on my facebook status and see if anyone comes up with anything useful!
Now, it works. The verification word now appears.
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